What's in the 100 year old Norwegian mystery package? It's being opened tomorrow 8/24.

Geraldo Rivera, eat your heart out.

Coordinates for an alien spacecraft that’s buried in the ice in Antarctica.

For our audience at home, that translates to 12:00 Noon in God-ordained American Eastern Daylight Time.

A machine to transport the people of norway en masse to a distart planet, leaving the rest of us to be destroyed by the mayan calendar.

Al Capone’s tax returns?

If it does contain lutefisk, 100 years may have improved the flavor. It certainly couldn’t make it worse.

Nasty stuff.

I’m betting it’s the incomprehensible ravings of a Nostradamus wannbe.

On the other hand, 100 year-old lutefisk might well contain the secret to free energy.

Gwyneth Paltrow’s head.

They’re opening it now!

Uh, well, not quite. They took it out of the display case, put in a box and are now carrying it somewhere.

Annnnd now the box is on the floor and people are walking to and fro. Some cute Norwegian dude is squatting by the box giving an interview. They keep doing EXTREME CLOSE UPS!!!.

What is wrong with you people? OPEN IT!

…greenish, blackish liquid, with some floating cheezy crackers that were surprisingly intact.

Bagpipes and kilts; I’m loving this already!!

Ffs. Open it already!

well, they gave the time it’ll be opened. It’s not time yet!

is it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, I thought the person in the traditional dress was a man. Then realized it must be a woman. But my eyes keep telling me ‘man’, even with teh boob curve.

Oh god! The suspense! It’s only half past? Christ, we’re all fucked!

Is there a link to live streaming with English subtitles? I don’t speak Paris-talk.

(Man, am I spoiled …)

We may be on the cusp of rewriting the known shelf life of a Twinkie.


Keep us informed…

What’s in the box??