What's so great about autoerotic asphyxiation?

Someone in one of the David Carradine threads brought this up. But has anyone here tried it? Is it really worth that much trouble to get off? Do people who do this go into it aware that death (and quite a humiliating one that will inspire much snickering) is a very real possibility? And are there are ways of doing where you don’t have to hang yourself from the rafters?

I guess I should be asking not so much whether they’re aware that they’ll die, but whether they’re aware of how embarrassed their families will be when news gets out of how they died, or how shocked said family members will be when they discover their naked dangling corpse with a rope tied around their genitals.

You get an increase in adrenaline from having your airflow partially cut off, which is supposed to increase sensations. It’s certainly possible to partially block your airflow without hanging yourself. But regardless of method, it’s not very safe especially if you’re alone.

I know you changed your question, but somewhere on wikipedia it’s mentioned that often times when the police show up at an AeA scene, they’ll find that the deceased had a failed “rescue mechanism” in place. So there’s that, and the fact, that I can’t imagine anyone setting this up and NOT knowing that it’s possible, but probably more of a “it won’t happen to me” type thing.