What's that Jungle painting?

A coworker was interested in getting a copy of a fairly well-known painting of a jungle scene. I think I know the one she’s after. It’s predominantly green (duh) with a lion and some other animals peeking out from the foliage.I thought it was named “Peaceable Kingdom” and that it was by french painter Henri Rousseau, but searches for that title turn up a different painting by Edward Hicks, and searches for Rousseau paintings don’t show the one I’m looking for. I guess it must be from around the time of Rousseau, as it’s pained in that same sort of flat, näive style.
Thanks, all you art history mavens.

Rousseau did a whole bunch of those jungle paintings, but this is the most famous one.

Thanks,Inky, I guess that’s it, though I remember it being a bit brighter overall in the reproductions I’ve seen. Also it seems I would recall the detail of the reclining naked woman. Guess I’m just getting old (sigh).