Trying to find a Gustaav Klimt painting

I saw a poster today that I thought was really pretty, and I wanted to find out more about the original painting and artist. I have found websites refering to the artist, and found others of his works, but I can’t seem to find the one I saw. The poster sale had the title as “The Rose Garden”, but the only painting about Roses I saw on the websites I’ve searched isn’t the one I saw. The website one actually looks like flowers, whereas the one I’m looking for was very much more abstract. It had squares and squiggles like in his Der Stocletfrie painting, and was painted in really nice tans, purples and red-wine colours. I want to find the painting online to show it to my SO, to see if he likes it enough for me to buy it and put it in our room, since it would match our bedspread. Anyone know which one I’m talking about? I’m beginning to wonder if I really didn’t look at it properly, or if the name advertised was wrong!
Sorry if my description is kind of vague, but I’m hoping some doper might actually know what I’m talking about!

Sounds like you’re describing Paul Klee’s “The Rose Garden.”

YES! that’s it!

Klees, Klimt. Same difference, right? Though I was close - I really like some of Klimt’s stuff too. I’m gonna double check tomorrow to see if I messed up the names, or if the poster place did! (Cuz, you know, I’m never wrong!:slight_smile: )

Thank you thank you thank you!

([sub]mnemosyne runs to get the SO, thankful that she didn’t spend the night searching the wrong artists’ work to find something he didn’t paint…[/sub]