What's the best song off of "Revolver"?

You would have to come over to my house, though, as I have yet to convince any band or recording engineer to go along with this. I can also play a mean “Within You Without You” on the lap steel. Eons ago I was part of a project that covered every Beatles record , and for some reason I became the guy who learned all the sitar parts on guitar. And for some other reason I remember them.

Hm, looks like the “Sgt. Pepper” poll got lost in a haze of Metallica and Weird Al.

My wife is convinced that Father MacKenzie is in fact a serial killer, who murdered Elanor Rigby. It’s a… different interpretation of the song.

Thanks. My ears won’t recover soon. I will forward these to my dad, who will die.

Ichbin, Dubist you are my new hero.

None of the above. The scratch marks on the records between tracks sounded better.

Aw, Clothy, was the outhouse door locked so you had to take a dump here instead?

Could we get a mod to fix the title? I think it was supposed to read

“What’s the best song off of “Revolver” other than of course Eleanor Rigby which is hands down the best from that album if not the best of the Beatles career if not the best song of the 1960s and those who say otherwise are demonstrably wrong”.

Oh- I voted for Eleanor Rigby, btw.

This is a tough one, because there are so many great songs. I picked “And your bird can sing” because of the great guitar. Taxman, Tomorrow Never Knows, She Said, She Said are all close. I have a soft spot for Yellow Submarine because it is fun and because my daughter “sang” it in sign language for an elementary school talent show, and she got to repeat it for the school board.

I’m not a fan of Eleanor Rigby because I can hear in it the seeds of Paul’s later descent into treacle. I can see Eleanor and her loneliness, but Father Mckenzie? Really, he has a church no one comes to? Pish and tosh, sir.

Because he killed them all.


Clothahump – you’ve been around long enough to understand the concept of threadshitting. If you don’t care for the topic of a thread, stay out of it, don’t come in and post your contempt.

Don’t do this again.

twickster, Cafe Society moderator

With a silver hammer?

Does it make the interpretation even more interesting when you think about how, when Paul first imagined the song, it was “Father McCartney”?
Ah, look at all the murdered people…

This is the grave of Eleanor Rigbyat St. Peter’s Church in Liverpool. Paul denied being familiar with the grave but admitted he may have “absorbed it” during his years growing up; he said he used several names while writing it as well as some placeholder (like “scrambled eggs” for Yesterday). While he and John shared songwriting credit for anything either wrote during this time his vanity has compelled him to say he wrote all of Eleanor, which is one of his favorite songs.

For me this is easy, Eleanor Rigby. This is one of those “creepy” songs like “Sunny Came Home” that is too disturbing not to love

Well, that was just about the time Paul died, wasn’t it? Yet another clue.
Or, it could be read as a brilliant foreshadowing of the Catholic sex abuse scandal.

That reading is a new one to me, and I thought I had heard them all.

Try to imagine the lyrics as a VO from a Frank Miller graphic novel:

I wiped the dirt from my hands as I walked from her grave. No one was saved.

Paul didn’t descend into treacle, the treaclyness was there all along, and it was one of the essential ingredients that made The Beatles great. If it were not for Paul sweetening the mix, John (let alone George and Ringo) would be a footnote in musical history, at best. (And, of course, the same goes for Paul without John’s acerbity.)