What's the best song off of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"?

Previous polls (still active): Please Please Me, With the Beatles, A Hard Day’s Night, Beatles For Sale, Help!, Rubber Soul, and Revolver.

There can be only one–which would you choose?

No poll yet!

But clearly** A Day in the Life**…

A Day in the Life

“Somebody spoke and I went into a dream…”

This one was all kinds of easy, since “A Day in the Life” is my favorite song of all time.

I had to vote for “When I’m 64,” while I’m still 64 (I turn 65 this Friday).

Otherwise, Id vote for “A Day in the Life.”

ADitL – I guess we don’t need a poll afterall :slight_smile:

I just need to comment here that while this certainly is the solidest-themed Beatles album, for me it actually distracts from rather than adds to the total package. For instance, I can’t hear Sgt Peppers or Lucy without thinking of the pretty bad A Little Help, which wouldn’t happen if the songs weren’t so tightly associated with each other.

Voted for, well, the reprise of the title song. I guess I have a weakness for fast tempos.

The only thing else I can say in my defense is that Jimi Hendrix covered the title song.

This will be the most lopsided vote of any Beatles album, I predict.

Yay! An easy poll question!!

Sgt Pepper also has one of my least favorite Beatles songsP: Within you, without you.

Mr. Kite. I’m actually not a big fan of “A Day in the Life.” It’s OK, but there are at least five superior songs on the album.

I haven’t voted on the Revolver poll yet, but this one was easy-peasy. There aren’t many things in this world better than A Day in the Life.

This one is easy.

Yep, Day in the Life is one of the greatest examples of musical dynamics in history, but I’m going to be a bit contrarian on this one and show some love for Getting Better, the least ironic and cleanest blast of pure pop on the album, although admittedly it might have been more at home on Revolver.

I’ve heard Sgt. Pepper’s a skillion times, to the point where I can mentally run through every single note and lyric in order, and these days the relentlessly music-hall yet ominously dark texture of the rest of the album makes me a bit queasy, kind of like how some people are completely freaked out by the sight of a clown.

Day in the Life. For once I’m with the majority. Actually, the best song is the sequence that starts with Good Morning and goes to the end. Unlike other albums at the time they are integrated together, and the whole is greater than the sum of its very outstanding parts.

Unlike most people, Sgt. Peppers is my favorite Beatles album, perhaps because it is the first one I listened to as an album instead of as songs. In 1967, when I started going to the West Village in NY to haunt used bookstores, you could hardly go a block without hearing “For the Benefit of Mr. Kite.” I despise “She’s Leaving Home” now but the rest of the album is perfect, with “Within You Without You” by far the best of George’s Indian songs.

Before I read the Anthology, I was sure “how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall” was a standard English saying. John just making that up was awesome.

I swam with crowd on this one and voted for A Day in the Life ahead of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Now, if they hadn’t screwed up by leaving Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane as singles instead of putting them on Sgt. Pepper, that would have been a whole different story. That album would have been about as good as Abbey Road. By the way, are we really going to have to pick one song off the entire White Album?

I think ArchiveGuy already mentioned that he planned to split it in two. (I’d kind of rather have it all in one poll, but the split will make choosing easier.)

I don’t think we should talk about other albums in these polls.

I voted for ‘A Day In The Life’, but a few years ago I would have said ‘Within You Without You’, which is still my second favourite.

My two cents re: The White Album, I think both discs should be in a poll by themselves, it is after all one album not two. Past Masters however were released seperately and should be seperate polls. It’s up to the pollmaster though, of course!

Another vote here for ‘A Day In The Life’.
It is one of my favorite Beatles songs.