What's the best way to prepare nachos?

I have the chips, cheese and a lovely Salsa spread. But what’s the best way to prepare it all to get maximum taste and flavor?

Here’s how I do it, but I’ll usually have some taco meat to go with:

  1. Spread those chips out on a baking pan. There’s that’s nice. (If you have meat, put this on as well.)

  2. Stick it in the oven - about 300 degrees, not too hot

  3. Grate the cheese.

  4. Grate some more cheese. You can never have too much.

  5. When the chips are almost crispy, put the cheese on.

  6. When the cheese gets nice and melty, pull it all out.

  7. You can either pour the salsa on top, or dip. I usually dip, so I can maintain a nice “chips are hot, salsa is cool” sensation.

Good luck!

What Connor said.

Should be just chips, cheese, meat and refried beans (if you’re using that) on the baking sheet in the oven.

Once you take them out, then add the stuff for which freshness matters (green onion, tomato, lettuce, salsa, guacamole).

Some Mexican restaurants sell bags of their real fried tortillas converted into chips. Makes a world of difference over using something mass-manufactured like Tostitos.

Off to IMHO.

“What’s the best way to prepare nachos?”

—Sit them down and quietly say, “Now, nachos, I have something I have to tell you . . .”

Call Taco Bell before you go.

First, Sara’s gotta be up for it.

Secondly, it depends on what you wanna prepare her for. Myself, I would be shooting for ugly-bumping. There are a number of ways to prepare for that. Most of which, in my case, include copious amounts of alcohol, as to lower the lady in question’s standards enough to permit the act to occur.

… and under no circumstance should you rip into her in the pit and later expect to get past a hello. On the other hand, she did admit that 10 dates and plenty of flowers are a direct path inside her panties… though I’m certainly never going to find out. :stuck_out_tongue:

The OP’er was banned for asking about nachos?

Someone must have had a bad Mexican food experience …

excuese me, but quicksilver, what the hell are you talking about?

Nachos? – Chips – bake until warm – add cheeze – melt cheeze – take out of oven – add let., habenieros, tom’s, and salsa if available.

Only make enough at one time to eat before they get cold. make more if needed