What is the design/artistic technque called for when you make a circle out of a bunch of lines, each at a slightly different angle?
No pic caus i googled everything i cold think of and didn’t find it. Time is a factor so hurriedness is helpful!
What is the design/artistic technque called for when you make a circle out of a bunch of lines, each at a slightly different angle?
No pic caus i googled everything i cold think of and didn’t find it. Time is a factor so hurriedness is helpful!
The spirograph is close but not what im looking for. Thanks anyway.
This is a long shot but . . . crosshatching?
Thats a little farther away from what I see from google image search but thanks anyway.
You’re going to have to be much more precise in your description. Are you talking about something where the lines are radii coming out from the center of the circle? Are the lines paralllel and covering the circle? Do the lines meet on the circumference of the circle? What are you talking about?
The lines make up the circumfrence of the circle is the best description of that I can give. They’re all the same length or can be different I guess, it doesn’t matter about the length.
That would be a Polygon.
Are you talking about a polygon with a large number of sides? Here’s one with 20 sides:
It’s almost like that, the lines carry on past where they make up part of the circle if that makes sense, I’ll try to get a picture.
Ohhhhhh . . . I know what you’re talking about now! I can’t remember the name of them, though. Sorry :o.
I think he’s describing a circle defined by the tangents of a number of lines, although I don’t know if it has a name.
I have no idea what youre saying Dewey. Use simpler words if you can.
Cant get picture, I lost it somewhere.
It’s using the property that the more sides a polygon has, the closer it becomes to resembling a circle. Therefore if you take a number of straight lines and arrange them properly they seem to form an arc.
Draw straight lines to connect 1 to 10, 2 to 9, 3 to 8 and so on till 10 to 1. (They should be equally spaced for best effect.) That will complete one quarter of a circle. The more numbers you use the better the approximation of the circle will be. Put four quadrants together to make a whole circle. Does this have a name? Beats me.
_____1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ya! It’s exactly what Exapno said! I just need the NAME!!!
Are you sure this type of design has a name?
It did to my art teacher, I’m too stoopid to rmrmber it though.
I saw the name for what I think you’re talking about yesterday … and then I forgot about it. Begins with the letter “C”, though: it describes the swirls found on European currency.
Isn’t that a parabolic curve?
So, one of these things?