What's the difference between a buffalo and a bison?


Yew cin’t wash yer faice in a bison!


[sub]Okay, so it’s hard to spell accents. :shrug: [/sub]


Yew cin’t wash yer faice in a buffalo!


Just a WAG: they mean the same, and refer to the same family of animals, but they’re used in different places?

I was going to suggest “buffalo” was an American name, but then I thought of the Cape Buffalo, native to Southern Africa.

DAMMIT!!! again!


Maybe I should just go back to bed.

Oh, fuck. It was Johnny’s attempt at a joke. And here I was, getting all serious and stuff. :smiley:

Hey, Johnny - I saw the title and immediately remembered the same joke, except [sub](and this is probably only going to make sense to our UK brethren)[/sub] the punchline is delivered by a Brummy (more specifically, he comes from Dudley, N. Birmingham).

A nickel?

Buffalo is the name for the American Bison, I think.

Just for the record, as a straight answer, “buffalo” can mean any of a number of wild bovids:
[ul][li]Several species in genus Bubalus, including the water buffalo[/li][li]Syncerus caffer, the Cape Buffalo of Southern Africa[/li][li]Bison bison, the American Bison (note that it never means the other species in Bison, the European wisent[/ul][/li]
The other answer is that in a bison, you can’t go to a rock concert in Kleinhans Music Hall.

BTW, one of the main arteries eastbound from Raleigh is Buffaloe Road; there is no truth to the rumor that its developers hired Dan Quayle as a naming consultant.

“Syncerus caffer”, seriously? That’s interesting, since the Dutch/Afrikaans word “kaffer” is a derogatory term for a person of African descent! It’s pretty much a slightly archaic version of, well, the n-word, so to speak.

Band name!

“Kaffir/caffer/cafer,” derived from the Arabic for “infidel,” was not originally so derogatory, but referred to the native peoples of South Africa. There are quite a few scientific names of African animals, including many birds, that include cafer/caffer .

I think you can roller skate in a bison herd.

Ignorance observed, ignorance fought! Thanks, Colibri.

::makes “air horns” with her fingers::


/end Dances With Wolves reference

Buffalos have wings…

Exactly. And when your male heir says he like girls and boys, you know he’s a bison.:stuck_out_tongue:

No Bison was ever guilty of losing four consecutive Super Bowls.

What did the buffalo say to his child?
“Bye, son!”
It vexes me that so many people think they have won a great triumph by correcting someone and saying, Thats not a buffalo.. its a bison!
And incidentally, on the 9W outside of Kingston NY, a local farmer has half a dozen of these critters grazing. I believe some of them are the hybrid beefaloes, but they are very cool to watch as they gaze placidly as the passing travel and see cars slow wayyy down to gawk, thereby getting rear-ended. Not the buffaloes fault, of course, but Im sure they enjoy the commotion.

Shouldn’t that be, “Not beefaloes, beeson?” :smiley: