Last night at the grocery store I bought President brand Camembert instead of President brand Brie because I have poor paying attention skills or ADD I guess. But it didn’t disappoint and it tasted much like Brie, though a bit less sweet to me. So what is the difference? My cursory googling indicates that they’re made almost exactly the same way.
And yes, I’m pretty much cheese ignorant, though i have heard the French look down upon our pasturized versions.
Brie is much milder in taste and aroma than Camembert. Is President a domestic or imported brand? I vaguely remember the name.
A good French Camembert is a deliciously stinky cheese. It gives forth a nice cabbagey, eggy smell. It’s best if it’s “ripened”, or aged until the center turns from chalky, white and firm to slightly translucent and runny in the center. If you leave it out on the counter about an hour prior to eating it, it will soften and the flavor and fragrance will open up. A Camembert is about 4-5" in diameter.
Brie is a much more timid cheese than Camembert. It’s faintly eggy as well, but it’s hard to detect. It’s good for when you don’t want to frighten picky people away from your cheese board. Bries are much larger around than Camemberts.
Me, I like a good stout Camembert, and if it doesn’t stink up the fridge, then I know it’s too lightweight for me. Both cheeses go well with a southern French wine, BTW.
“The Camembert’s a little runny…”
Well, this is Cafe Society, after all, not GQ…
I’ve often thought that Camembert would be a good name for an action hero – like, say, Camembert Jones.
Naming someone “Brie” would just be silly.
Unless the person had sonic powers, and that was the sound they made…
Ok, please excuse my ignorance. Whoa, what am I saying??? Please kill my ignorance on brie. Are you supposed to eat the rind?
The only time I’ve had brie was thinly sliced and melted on a lovely medium rare roast beef sammich with alfalpha sprouts and tomato. Overall, I thought it was alright but a bit too mild for my tastes. The rind sorta turned me off. I would have preferred a nice slab of creamy feta. mmmmmmmmmm… feta… drool
Yes, you can eat the crust. It’s sort of an acquired taste, lots of people don’t like it.