What's THE gift this year?

Last year it was the Wii. Or the Wii and the PS3. It’s been Elmo. It’s been Cabbage Patch dolls. What is it this year?

It’s a button that you press to make sure your thread is posted to the right forum.

D’OH! I meant for this to be in IMHO!

Well then I know what Santa’s putting in your stocking this year!

Off to IMHO.

Maybe the iPhone? I actually can’t really think of what THE gift could be.


No idea in general, but for two-year-old boys it is all about Thomas the Tank Engine. At least, thiose I happen to know. :wink:


With all the scares of lead paint I’d think those would be pretty low on the list, since those were among previous recalls.

THE gift?

Well, for kids I wouldn’t be surprised if Playmobil is hard to come by, and probably Wii’s for those who have yet to get one… but honestly, I have no clue

I heard Wii is still gonna be big this year.

For the keeblers? With all the anxiety about poison presents, I predict books and movies to be a big hit this year.

I’m going by the kid’s reactions. Parents are another story. :wink:

I think you may be right.

Thomas is always popular with the young boy set. Has been for what… 20 odd years? More? I can’t remember exactly though wikipedia says his first appearance was 1946. Velociraptor doesn’t seem to like him though, he gets MUCH more excited over Babar.

Yeah, I guess so … only thing is, I didn’t know any two year old boys well until this year. Now I know several, and they all seem nuts over these toys, books and DVDs.

With the two year old girls like my neice, it is all about the princesses. Dresses, dolls, everything princess-related.

Odd that the gender difference shows up so early.

It’s the trains. Things with wheels.

Though I was always jealous of my brothers hot wheels sighs

Again? But that’s what you got me last year.

Actually, I thought it was syphilis.

What about Tickle Me Emo? I hear he’s on the cutting edge of new gifts.

It really does show up frighteningly early! My little girl likes Thomas too, though, even though her main thing is princesses and horses. Her dream toy would be a purple unicorn, preferably with glitter and a hairbrush. Then she would use it to play knights and kill them all, she’s very bloodthirsty.

I don’t know if there’s really a THE toy this year the way they’ve been hyped in previous years, like Elmo and Cabbage Patch–it would seem because of the recalls. The media will have to invent one soon to survive!

Heh, my litte fellow hasn’t reached the point of playing war with his toys yet. He simply loves to cause mini traffic accidents with his toys. Probably the books and videos teach him to do that. The Island of Sodor is a very accident prone place.

Mind you, the constant repetition of themes in that Thomas stuff cause me, as an adult, to think violent thoughts. I even wrote a short satire of the shows a little while ago, emailed it to my mom. :wink:

Gotta catch them all!