My current job pays very little…around 30k a year.
In the past, I’ve made a fair amount in a short period of time. 60 thousand in around 8-9 months. I owned a taxi cab.
So…lets have it…bear your financial soul.
My current job pays very little…around 30k a year.
In the past, I’ve made a fair amount in a short period of time. 60 thousand in around 8-9 months. I owned a taxi cab.
So…lets have it…bear your financial soul.
I once made $500 for a three minute time frame. WOOHOOO! Now if I could only make that wage for a longer span of time. I could work for a couple of weeks a year and live very comfortably.
$12/hr. one summer working as a construction worker. God, I need to get out of college!
I once made $10,000 but then my color printer ran out of ink.
(Oh, come on! Someone was gonna say it sooner or later!)
One summer I stuffed envelopes and collated for $11 an hour for about four or five hours a day, for two months . I also had a job at a department store for $7 an hour. Of course, this was the summer before I went to college, so I never really saw any of the money.
Waaaay back in the old days, I made 4.75 an hour at a resort outside of Kelowna.
They couldn’t get anybody to work part time for my days off…I worked 6 months straight…no days off, from 11:30am to 10:00pm
I was making pretty good coin for a 18 yr old. Clearing about 950.00 every two weeks.
My last job was as a networking consultant, and we charged obscene fees - unfortunately, most went into the company’s greedy coffers. The exception was paid overtime - i.e., if a customer wants a consultant to stay after 17:00 on a weekday, fees are doubled, if he wants a consultant to stay after 21:00 or on a weekend, fees are tripled. The consultant got 75% of the extra amount.
Oh, and if a customer without a service agreement needed a consultant, it was 600$ just to start the car - and the customer got charged for the transport time as well. Yes, there was a definite lack of networking consultants.
Well, one fine (very fine) day I hit the grand slam combination: Weekend overtime, customer one hour’s driving time away, no service agreement. Two hours driving, two hours work. All in all, I made about 1200 dollars in 4 hours - and the customer was ecstatic, he hadn’t slept for 30 hours while trying to fix things on his own.
He even insisted that I stay for coffee (Me: “You do realize this is a 100$ cup of coffee ?” Him: “I DON’T CARE, nobody’s leaving until I’ve seen things run for 15 minutes”).
Unfortunately, these jobs were few and far between, so I decided to go for a steady income instead. I don’t really have the consultant temper, anyway - I felt really bad writing this specific bill, although the customer didn’t mind.
Damn it! Green Bean beat me to it!
I once made $200 at a Bar-Mitzvah for dressing up like “Bat-Mensch” for about 3 minutes. I admitted my alter-ego, Bruce Weinstien. I was looking for my sidekick, Reuben.
Oy Vey.
Back in my contractor days, I had the habit of quoting exhorbitant fees if I really didn’t want to do the work. A company wanted me to do some data base programming, which I hate. I quoted 10K for about 20 hours of work. They agreed! I was happy for 6 months after that.
A female friend of mine was paid $10,000 to jump nude out of a birthday cake. She wasn’t a stripper or anything. They initially offered her one grand, which she refused, and the office ‘pool’ kept adding money until she finally accepted for 10 grand, provided no one took pictures or had a video camera (But some people hid a video camera. She still doesn’t know!).
I’ve made (and still do, occassionally) $500 for a day’s work (which actually amounts to about 2 hours of work and 6 hours of thumb-twiddling). In my real job, I make about $50k, which is my best-paying job to date (even though it feels more like about $15k).
To pay for grad. school, one summer I taught swim lessons in Beverly Hills and charged $150 an hour. I usually had about 4-6 kids a day, 1-1.5 hours per kid, five-six days a week.
Damn this isn’t an IRS query is it?
10 bucks an hour teaching a teacher how not to mess up his PC.
Something like 10 bucks cleaning out my grandparents home (after they were dead, so I didn’t get hassled much).
8 bucks an hour to sit and read (and file occasionally, and answer phones, but maybe 30 minutes out of the entire day was phone calls).
The old joke goes “I already know what kind of a girl you are, now I’m just negotiating the price.”
Well, my university paid $1K/year to any national merit semi-finalist who went there. The PSAT was about 2 1/2 hours, so that works out to about $1600/hour. This was,
incidentally, 24 years ago, when $1K/year meant something.
Hmmm, never thought about it that way. I got a $1k/year NMS scholarship, too.
But if we just count money earned for doing a job, I once took on a freelance project for a fee of $300 that took me 3-3/4 hours to complete, or about $80/hour. Wish I could make that all the time!
Darn it, how come I can never get jobs like these?!
I got some poor fella to pay me $50anhr for wepage design…
Damn I was happy…
(I’m 15… gonna be a Sophomore…)
I once made $676.76 for being in a Pepsi commercial. That was kinda cool, except those bastards didn’t have Coca-Cola to drink there.