Once, when I was young, I went to the dump.
It’s a real story, hold on.
I went to the dump with my friend J.C. His uncle worked there, and at the time, it seemed like a great idea. How many cool things would we be able to find? Talk about buried treasure!
Keep in mind, now, that we were not hanging out on the side of the dump where all the food products and dirty diapers go. We were on the side where people drive up with their truck, and unload all the stuff that they’ve been collecting in their garages and basements for years. If you’ve ever hung out at the dump, you’ll know what I mean.
Anyway, we were playing Pirates. Daring swashbucklers we, jumping from mound to mound, waving picket fence swords in the air, looking for treasure! Until one of the mounds had some give to it.
J.C. landed on a hill that had a resounding hollow sound. Being young and curious, we had to check it out. Imagine our astonishment when we moved some of the trash out of the way to find a horse’s hoof sticking out of the debris.
Someone had managed to sneak a dead horse into that section of the dump, and left it buried under a shallow pile of junk. Trying to avoid some kind of fees, I’m sure.
J.C., in a fit of curiosity, started to poke at the body with his sword.
It Happened.
This was the middle of summer. The horse, although not in direct sunlight, was being heated nicely by the blaring summer sun. It must have swelled up to at LEAST two times normal size. J.C. poked one last time, HARD.
It exploded. A stream of rancid guts and gasses burst forth from the distended abdomen, and out at us. I was fortunate enough to not be hit by any of the semi-gelatinous goo flung about by the rapid decompression, but I did get the smell.
Terrible. Disgusting. Fetid, rancid meat digesting upon itself as it decomposed. The hot, sticky wind accompanying it from the cadaver was at least as bad. J.C. vomited explosively while trying to shake the goo off his shirt. I followed suit.
We never went to the dump again.