What's the plural of Toyota's Prius?

No factual answer likely… IMHO

I went by a local government’s garage today, and saw that they had a Toyota Prius hybrid car. I tried to say that I liked the fact that the government was buying – Priuses? Prii? Priui?

How do you form the plural for Prius?

There are 131,000 Google hits for “Priuses” (and a few for “Prius envy” as well).

ETA: “Oh, what a feeling.”

ETA: Toyota’s website uses “Priuses.”

Where did you find it? I was looking through their press releases and could only find singular references (all pluralization was to “units” or “vehicles”).

I know that for Lexus, their official policy is to never pluralize the name.

Priuses. Prius is a Latin word, but it’s not a noun, so you wouldn’t normally pluralize it, and you don’t have to ame the effort to sound educated and pluralize it in Latin.

It’s a name, not a scientific term – Priuses.


Cal, I can never tell when you’re serious, or if you’re making a joke.

Gee, I woulda thought that one was obvious. And adding any more words would have spoiled it.

Yes, many more wordses would have.

And when there are a lot of those cars, you can pluralize that: Priodeses.

While Toyota may use Priuses on their website, if you visit Prius owners sites/forums (fora!) you’ll see Prii used quite a bit. I’m not saying it’s “official” but it’s fairly common.

Well, but common doesn’t mean correct. I spell my own name correctly, but many other people spell it wrong. Many people write “penii,” which is also incorrect.

Good lord! How’s your name actually spelled?


I never said it was correct, just what I’ve seen in common usage. I’m not sure this has ended up in the OED yet for goodness sake. :stuck_out_tongue:

How to Google a site for a word:

“priuses site:toyota.com”

Returns 28 hits including:

The Plural of Prius

Maybe they’re not misspelling your name. Maybe they’re trying to tell you something.

You sly trans Casanova, you.

Hey, you work with what you’ve got!

“Get me a Prius, and, while you’re at it, get me another.”

And if they got lost, they can go on a Priodyssey.