What's this bug?

I have never seen this kind of bug in my life.

At first I thought it was one of those run o’ the mill hairy jumping spiders, but on closer examination, it appeared to have antennae and 6 gams.

Sorry, video was all I could get. The macro’s on my boyfriends camera and it was way too out of focus when I tried it with my other lenses.

It had long legs, like a cricket might, but didn’t jump at all. I kept dropping a Dixie cup on it to sort of corral him. I’m not sure if it’s fur on it or a bunch of little babies…I’m sincerely hoping for the former!

Sorry about the blur midway through…I was trying to work with the lens and get good angles of it for identification.

Oh yeah, and it was in the bathroom, the tiles are about 1" X 1"…maybe came in through the screened window, or caught a ride on me! I live in Rhode Island…it was in the 80’s yesterday and sunny. My yard has a lot of flowers, few very young trees and a crappy lawn. Hope that helps! Thanks!

Really difficult to tell from the footage (I’m sure you did your best, but it’s still tantsalisingly difficult to see). I think some kind of cricket seems likely - judging from the shape of the back legs - perhaps a camel cricket.

Given the small size, this may not be the adult form - crickets don’t completely metamorphose like the way caterpillars turn into butterflies, but there still are differences between the nymphs and pre-adult instars and the adult form.

Yeah, I know…sorry about that… :frowning:

I guess the nymphs (cricket) don’t usually jump…and this guy didn’t…and if I were him…and could’ve, I would’ve…and judging from his adorable size, it might be safe to deduce that we have a nymph.