What's this sticker mean?

Sorry, no picture.

There is an oval sticker I see on the backs of cars around here. It looks like a porkpie hat with a pair of eyes under it, looking off to the left. Sort of sinister.

If it weren’t for the pupils looking sideways, it would sort of look like a car, with the “eyes” representing the wheels. The hat/car is blue.

What is it? Thanks.

Here’s some info

Yo, cops! Please look inside my car as you pass by.

You think they don’t anyway?

No, I am not saying that. How did you get the idea I was? :dubious:

What I was saying was that [del]I need to preview before I post, to make sure the answer has nor already been stated [/del] the sticker is a request for cops to be extra vigilant. You know, as in the link I posted?

Thanks, folks. I remember hearing something about that program, but hadn’t seen the sticker in connection with it.

Another of life’s little mysteries solved, and a tiny little bit of ignorance wiped out.