What's This Weird Building In Portsmouth/Gosport, England

This white building that resembles an unfurled sail appears multiple times in this video, (it’s in the exact middle of the frame at the starting point that I embedded), but we don’t get a clear view of it. The narrator is walking around near a military installation, so I’m guessing it serves some communications, cermonial, or military purpose. Unfortunately, he never gets close enough to it for a good, lingering shot.

What’s the deal, @Mangetout ??

I may not eat everything but I found it.

Yeah, Spinnaker Tower. It was originally going to be called the Millennium Tower, but it overran and construction didn’t even begin until 2001; costs ran out of control and the original design was pruned back, resulting in a tower that was only about 2/3 of the height of the initial plan - it was all quite the farcical mismanaged public construction project (it was intended to be entirely privately funded/self-funded, but the city council had to intervene and rescue it by injecting tens of millions of pounds)