I work a part time job as an elevator operator. I have a coworker who is a doorman. He’s a nice kid but he seems “off,” in the sense that he seems to be constantly on the move. I mean literally.
He never stands still, he is always moving or polishing something. He will run to empty the trash, if one person throws a tissue in it. He fidgets and he taps his foots all the time.
That said, he does an excellent job and everyone, the members of the club and the manager think he’s great.
I talk to him and he says, he just can’t seem to sit still. Last week, he comes in with a big cup of coffee (he also smokes) and says, “Yeah I couldn’t sleep last night, now I’m wiped out.”
The best way to describe it is, I’ve seen smokers who are overdue for a smoke and they get really fidgety and nervous, while they’re waiting to have that smoke. Then when they go to have the smoke, they come back all calm.
He also will pause when he talks. The best way to describe this is, I knew someone else from France, and while they spoke English well. every so often, all of a sudden, you can see them visualize and you can see the wheels in their head as if they’re suddenly translating to think of the English words.
Those two things are what he reminds me of.
We were gabbing at lunch and he told me at school they thought he had some kind of attention disorder, but he said, he doesn’t and that he doesn’t like to take any drugs, so he wouldn’t take anythign even if he had it.
I don’t know if this means he refused to get tested or that he was tested and it came back negative.
I have a mother with mental problems so I know manic behaviour and he doesn’t fit this. His thoughts are clear and while hyper he’s he finishes thoughts and makes clear sense. He just seems to be on the move all the time.
He’s 23 years old and works part time as a door man on weekends mostly, while going to college.
He’s on break now, so I thought he’d slow down, but no.
I know it’s not my business but I thought I’d ask if anyone here had similar experiences with people they knew