What's with the extreme reactions in Donald Trump?

Which is better than 100 trillion times worse as his opponents intend to do. Or possibly this is a pointless argument since none of them have a comprehensive plan and analysis by those who have been wrong about the economy repeatedly isn’t a very useful argument.

Was he really talking, unprompted, about the size of his penis in a debate for the party nomination to stand for President?

How is the world to take the USA seriously.

He’s a liar and a braggart, and while I’ll agree he’s canny, his actual intelligence is vastly overblown (mostly by himself). Hell, he’s not even that great a businessman, and has lost whole fortunes on bad business ventures, as well as shamelessly marketed his ‘brand’ (a.k.a. his name) to screw people out of money and leave them high and dry.

I find it ironic that the Republicans seem to be hating on him for all the wrong reasons (they dislike him because they frankly think he’s lying about being a conservative and are worried he will be too liberal for them when push comes to shove…instead of worrying about all the other lies he’s been telling :p).

It has to be noted that you do not have a good cite for that. What I see is that it will not get much better under the Democrats, but not at the levels the experts found about Trump’s plan.

Like I said about the cite, the point from the OP and yours here relies in good old argument by ignorance, not a useful one. We do however do have already cites coming from conservative and liberal analysts that agree that what Trump is offering now is nonsense.

It wasn’t unprompted…and it was pretty much innuendo. Apparently Rubio made a comment about Trumps small hands (which, for some odd reason Trump is really sensitive about) and Trump was assuring the American people that small hands does not equate to small cock size…he guarantees it! :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t really care if The World™ takes us seriously or not, to be honest…and I think that would be the least of our worries if we are stupid enough to put Trump in the White House (he’d probably rent it out as a condo or something anyway)

I don’t know about all that.

But, I do think that people that have been labeling him racist, sexist, a clown, Hitler, etc are really just discrediting themselves. Criticize his lack of detail, his repetitive statements that don’t mean anything, his way of doing business, his plans that you disagree with, fine, but as soon as you label him you’ve lost. But, people who are anti-Trump can’t seem to help themselves and that’s a big part of what’s propelling him.

Uh, you do realize that Trump did a lot of the labeling himself no?


So, yeah, Trump is a loser and we should ensure that he remains one in the general election if the Republicans still ignore the writing on the ciberwall.

Tariffs and wage floors aren’t the solution to trade imbalance.

I see almost the same thing happening in the US as here in India in the last election where Modi won the largest seats ever for his party. Trump’s tactics are similar to Modi’s and his opponents are making the same mistakes as Modi’s opponents made in India.


Maybe.probably devaluation of dollar, the end of petrodollar, very very large scale immigration etc is the solution. We will find out in future.

To add to the “criticise him on specific issues” tack this thread has taken:

Donald Trump’s Deficit Reduction Numbers Are Total Nonsense

And yet, foreign policy is an enormous part of our current government/military concerns.

How the rest of the world feels about the US is important and shouldn’t be taken lightly. If Trump’s administration will be worse at it than GWB’s, then I fear for everybody.

Mostly its just embarrassment.

The Republican party is embarrassed that they have created a constituency that responds to veiled racism and jingoism. Their frontrunning candidate is a reality TV star that is treating the Republican national primary like a contestant on the fist season of survivor.

The Democrats are embarrassed that the Republicans control BOTH houses of congress despite all this.

I don’t know exactly what Trump is or what he stands for but he isn’t an idiot. Sure, he was born on third base but he wasn’t born a billionaire. He is by all accounts a fairly good boss, a reasonably decent person (for a billionaire), and a great salesman.

Trump is essentially a labor movement that doesn’t look too much like a socialist movement.

You have no good sites. You are throwing out numbers that are nothing but opinions, and opinions from people with a spotless track record of being wrong. That is the problem Trump takes advantage of. People no longer believe these economic predictions, and when everybody is seen to be wrong then the people will believe the most comfortable lie. You contribute to that problem with your approach.

Yet, Trump doesn’t have any good cites either.

And sure, perhaps Trump is taking advantage of this “comfortable lie”, but that just makes him a liar all the more.

He’s a sad, sad man.

Donald Trump does not represent the influence peddlers who back political candidates, nor the LSM outlets who believe they should be the king-makers of the elections. Trump represents a massive number of voters which is confounding the professional and ameratur political pundits.

The media and pundits continually say that they don’t understand how Trump could be doing as well as he is. I believe the answer to that is simple. The media and pundits refuse to accept the decision of the voters. How dare the voters think for themselves!!!

Ridicule is a standard tactic of the Democrat collective. If you can’t beat 'em, make fun of 'em. Unfortunately for them, the tactic has lost it’s sting. The voters have decided that it doesn’t matter what lame-assed tactic the other side uses because the other side does not have their best interests at heart. The other side is provideing smoke, mirrors, and horseshit.

If you’re recieving most (all?) of your information from U.S. LSM outlets who chose not to report the facts but instead chose to filter the information they supply thru their own biased criteria, the U.S. election can seem confusing. How can Trump be doing so well when the supplied propaganda says he must be doing poorly. Based on voting results, it’s obvious that he isn’t doing poorly and there must be something wrong with the reporting.

Sounds like Fox.

Are you seriously going to say that making fun of people is not working on the Trump collective? That’s half of Donald’s schtick and you know that perfectly well. Or did you somehow manage to miss all the sweaty Little Marco comments?

Trump really *must *be a Democrat then, cuz that’s all his campaign is at this point. And it looks like Rubes is a Dem now too.