What's with the extreme reactions in Donald Trump?

I’ve heard his “plan” to save the economy. It is largely disconnected from economic reality. His idea of basically doubling down on the whole “too high on the Laffer Curve” GOP pipe dream is not a sign that he’s really crunched the numbers.

Otherwise the kind of imbalances there are in the global economy right now it’ll take something extremely drastic to correct it. The crash of USD by the end of petrodollar by middle East reorientation or by just Trump becoming president is what I am guessing

Think about this - a country(USA) with crashing manufacturing base, massive trade deficit, growing public debt (has grown by $ 10 trillion in Obama era iirc), working age population abt to shrink etc - why should it remain the reserve currency?

And when that materializes, it would probably give rise to a common global currency to be used all over the world…

What, the Euro becomes the Globo?

Or things remain as they are except US public debt is $30 trillion under dems after 5 yrs. More rich-poor divide etc.

I think Trump should be given a chance…

Have you actually read his tax plan, and the reactions to it? If you’re concerned about the US debt, most analysts concur that Trump’s tax plan would increase the US deficit dramatically.

Trump’s plan would raise the deficit by $10 trillion faster than that.

“We’re gonna have the biggest deficit there is. It’s gonna be a very serious deficit. It’s gonna be yuuuuuuuuuuuuge!”

Ignore these sources guys. The deficit in direct taxes can be filled by indirect taxes…like service tax on goods and services… Import duties( usa imported worth $2.3 tn in 2015) etc.

Here in India as well, very few individuals pay direct tax( some 2-3%)…but everyone has to pay indirect taxes on most products and that is the main revenue source of the government

The US does not have a crashing manufacturing base. That’s simply, totally, 100% false. Manufacturing is at record levels in the US.

What has crashed is not manufacturing, but manufacturing JOBS. Big difference. Factories that used to employ hundreds of people now only employ dozens. That’s not because jobs have gone to China and Mexico, although they have. That’s because instead of 100 guys inserting tab A into slot B you have 10 assembly line robots doing it 20 times faster, with 2 guys watching the robots.

There’s no way we’re going to compete against China for cheap labor, unless you think there’s a huge backlog of people in America desperate to work in a factory for $400 a month.

The fact remains, the real reason you admire Trump is transparently clear. He brags about his plans for killing and torturing Muslims, so you’re in favor of him.

^ sry but what a rubbish post.

Also I am talking abt loving and respecting Muslims like non-Muslims and you are saying I enjoy their torture? BTW I disagree with Trump on Muslim ban.

But there should be awareness and public acknowledgement of evils of Islam.

It’s not abt me anyways I am unimportant

It was pointing out all the things that were wrong with your post, though any time someone starts talking about ‘petrodollars’ it generally means you can stop reading at that point anyway. Lemur866 is right though…the US manufacturing sector is stronger than it’s ever been. What’s collapsed is the manufacturing jobs, not productivity or output. The US is probably the strongest and most stable country on earth today, which is why our currency is such a widely used reserve, and why our debt instruments are so sought after. Our population is aging, but nothing like most other industrialized nations who have REAL issues in this respect (check out China sometime). Yeah, our debt has risen under Obama, but then it was rising fast under GW before him and has actually leveled off. It’s certainly something for concern, but it’s not the end of the world or even the end of the USD poised to collapse into some sort of black hole as a new world currency rises from the ashes of civilization. :stuck_out_tongue: