What's with the extreme reactions in Donald Trump?

You accept “quotes” taken out of context as fact and then talk about the actual truth. Interesting.

That kind of thinking must be why the Democrats lost control of both houses of Congress during Obama’s reign.

Do you believe that the Democrat collectives attempts at ridicule are having any effect on Trump supporters? Seriously? Democrats seem to have a way of ignoring reality when they’re telling each other what Republicans and conservatives should think, or when Democrats are telling Democrats how wanting to control Congress is the same as actually controlling Congress.

And what about John McCain? (I forget, do you think he is a war hero or not?)

How about Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan discussing how Trump is going to cost Republican seats in Congress?

Republicans are now in the worst circular firing squad in modern history, so its funny you are under the illusion that it is Democrats who are attacking Trump. As for now, Democrats are pretty much sticking by the “when your enemies are shooting themselves in the foot, don’t intervene” policy.

@doorhinge: You answer my questions first.


Republicans are attacking the hell out of trump, and the rest of the public are sitting back and enjoying the spectacle.

Out of context, huh?

Like the Donald promising to build the Great Wall of Mexico or to deport anyone of Arabic origin (oh, and then turn around and suggest that it would be alright to accept Syrian refugees)? (https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/immigration-reform)

Or to say that women are essentially trophies? (18 Real Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said About Women | HuffPost Women)

Or to claim that his net worth is based on how he feels at the time? (Trump Once Said Some Amazing Things About His Net Worth Under Oath | Fortune)

What context is it to which you refer? Please provide specific examples refuting these points rather than making, as I stated before, unsubstantiated claims.

At this point, I don’t give a flying shit what “Democrat collectives” can do to Trump.

I’m entirely certain that Republican collectives are completely capable of destroying him (and themselves) on their own.

They are aiming a bit higher than the foot. I don’t recall a time when so many in a party are scared of the leading candidate, I think they have $5 million to run anti-Trump ads in Florida. Hell, the Republicans are doing Hillary’s work for her. Half of her advertising is going to be rerunning Republican ads.
The other half will be about stuff the Republican are scared of discussing, like anti-immigrant hatred.
And given the reaction to Christie, not many Republican leaders are going to be behind him on stage - not without a clothespin on their noses, at least.

You know, if you are predicting what will happen in the economy, there is room for disagreement. But talking about what has happened is a different story.
Back in 2009 with the large deficits you guys are ranting about, you in general predicted high inflation and all sorts of horrors. When ACA was passed you predicted a massive loss of jobs. A spiraling deficit. Catastrophe.

What’s happened? Romney claimed he would lower unemployment to 6% with his voodoo economics. The horrible Obama mismanagement lowered it to under 5. The deficit has been cut more than promised. ACA did not result in massive job losses, and did result in a big drop in the uninsured (I know, a bad results for Republicans.) Inflation is too low if anything. The dollar is too strong if anything. Oh, and oil is absurdly cheap. Wages have even begun to rise.

Yeah, there is still too much income inequality, but I don’t think Republican solutions of cutting taxes on the rich is going to resonate with anyone who is not so brainwashed by Fox News that they can look at the facts.
We know the Big Lie can work. No surprise that the Donald is a Mussolini fanboy. We’ll see how he steps up his dictator admiring game.

Is your argument that they shouldn’t be President either, and we should bother to find one of the few that are worthy of this trust? If so, I agree. If your argument is that we should just throw up our hands and hand this power to someone so shameless that he won’t even wait until we’re not looking to start shitting the bed, I’d say that’s even worse than an amoral bastard who is at least restrained by his desire to pretend to be a decent human being.

If Republicans want to “make America great again” it’s as simple as switching news channels.

Today he thanked Megyn Kelly and Charles Krauthammer and is talking of becoming more Presidential in conduct.

For about 40% of the Republicans. Still not good enough for the rest of Americans.


Megyn Kelly: Trump Is “A Breath Of Fresh Air” From The Canned Speeches::slight_smile:

Many in the media still needs to squeeze all that Trump’s money in the general election.

This the night after he gave a rambling press conference where he bragged about his line of licensed products and showed off a fake display of “Trump Steaks” in order to soothe his ego about having the product get made fun of by a late-night comedian two weeks ago.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so thin-skinned and petty at the national level. I have zero doubt that if he is elected he will set about evening the score on anyone who ever looked at him sideways. A foreign leader will make a perceived slight, and Trump will see about ways to screw that guy or gal’s country over.

I wish I were kidding.

Color me unsurprised that the person who said this…

…supports the candidate with the most anti-Islamic rhetoric.

The media love Trump because people tune in to see what Trump’s latest statement or action was and to hear the media discuss (or ridicule) it endlessly. Trump is good copy and he knows it, and continues to say and do anything that will get him talked about. It’s win-win for Trump and the media, even if it’s “lose” for everyone else.

I don’t particularly think that Trump believes or cares about the stuff he says - his main objective is to get talked about, since his supporters don’t care what he says and everyone else ain’t gonna vote for him anyway. What I do care about - and what has been repeatedly pointed out - is that the only thing that Trump is good at is making money for himself. He leaves behind him a long string of failed businesses (and marriages, although that’s incidental) where the brunt of the consequences of the failures have fallen on his investors, his employees, his customers, and occasionally the taxpayers. Why would we want to put someone like that in charge of the entire country when his track record indicates that he will happily allow it to fall to pieces as long as he gets what he wants? And since what he wants is “to be President”, he really has no incentive to do anything one he achieves it. Anyone thinking he’ll bring wider peace and prosperity to all really hasn’t been paying attention.

TL,DR version - the Trump Business Plan

  1. Promise much
  2. Achieve little
  3. Blame others
  4. Profit!

Then what is? Not economic libertarianism, to be sure.

If you guys want to listen how he plans to abt Govt. Debt, and how he plans to deal with currency manipulation by China causing the large trade deficit , listen from 34 mins in today’s speech: