What's wrong with my mp3/CD player?

Model: GPX CDPM5004.
Purchased: November 2004.
Specs at amazon.com here.

It was working fine for about a month, until I rode a Greyhound up the I-5 corridor home for Christmas. Worked on the bus, stopped working when I stepped off.

Now, when I press “play,” it spins for about fifteen seconds before deciding “no disc.” I’ve tried both mp3 CDs and regular CDs, both of which worked perfectly before, to no avail.

Do I have to shell out another $40 for a new player? (Please say no. :)) Or is there some way to…um, do something with the thingy…to fix it? I’m trying to lose weight, and I’d like to have some music to jog to.

Did it suffer any harsh shocks or jolts?

Maybe the lens is dirty.

As for fixing it, I would vote no. Ain’t worth the money unfortunately.

It’s entirely possible it may have been jolted/thumped as I unloaded my luggage from the bus. Alas.