As I often do, I’ve been thinking about life, consciousness, happiness and the other usual suspects when, suddenly, it occurred to me, in what I can only call a totally original thought that I promptly recognized as that unmistakable flash of genius that most of us get to experience only once in a lifetime, that I write really long sentences for no reason.
Later on, I ended up asking myself why women tend to feel sexually attracted to young, fit males as opposed to old rich ugly people (ORUP). I’m talking about innate physical attraction that people have no control over; the kind you can feel for a sexy picture. Of course women think about their partners, and have a wide variety of conscious criteria (is he reliable? Is he funny? Is he smart? Is he exciting? ad infinitum.) they use when dating or entering a relationship. We use our brain to make better decisions than what our gonads can.
But how many of you ladies masturbate thinking of Bill Gates’s wealth or smarts? I bet very few do (if any).
I’ve studied biology and evolution and it makes sense for a female to to be attracted to…
1- strong
2- attractive
3- young
…males to mate with (in that particular order).
1- Strong so he can bring enough food and defend them from predators.
2- Attractive since symmetry is apparently a sign of good hormonal balance (thus, healthier genes)
3- Young so he won’t croak on her too soon and leave her and her children unprotected. <- There might be more significant reasons. Maybe younger is less likely to have other children with another mother already?
There are many women who like older guys just fine. This is consistent with the trend in nature for human mothers (and most females of other species) to prioritize their offspring’s survival over their own and a man’s age does not seem to affect the quality of his sperm (and genes) much, despite the extra years the testicles were exposed to natural radiation.
Now some might point out that ORUP have no problems getting laid
And sure, there are women, ranging from material girls to golddiggers who will prioritize money over physical attraction but they are actually deliberately sacrificing one urge for another. But they WON’T actually feel attracted to the ORUP because of who they are or have sex with them for fun, never to seem them again. No, usually, it’s longer-term relationship/marriage deals where the principle is “I get sex and arm-candy and you get lots of money.”
Anyways, biologically speaking, an ORUP will provide a woman and her defenseless offsprings great safety and resources, possibly ensuring a much better offspring survival ratio. More money means more resources and the ability to
raise more children. With inheritance factored in and helping continue the cycle, the ORUP looks even better, procreationally speaking. Finally, wealth means the ORUP is more likely to be smart (or have had smart ancestors) which is always a positive.
Assuming nature’s goal is more and better offsprings:
How different would be the criteria for women over 100,000 years ago, what about 20k, 10k? 5k? 1000 years ago? 500 years ago? 100 years ago? If there is change, is the trend accelerating?
Are today’s women getting wet for the wrong reasons?
What should turn women on in the modern homo sapien world?
Note: I’m not an ORUP so this thread isn’t about me telling women they should want me. Also, there is no good reason why I singled out women in this thread. I’d welcome a mirror thread about men’s taste in women.