Nowadays, you don’t have to be shackled to the home page of your ISP. (Okay, maybe you do if you’re an AOLer, but other than that…)
You can easily make anything your home page; in Internet Explorer, you click on Tools and Internet Options and type in the URL of the Web site you’d like.
So what’s everyone’s home page? How many of you actually have the SDMB as your home page?
My home page is a Yahoo! group that I own and moderate.
So, post 'em here if you want. Of course, if it’s nasty stuff, like porn, don’t. I don’t wanna get in no trouble with no mods!
You mean the startup page? I keep mine blank, both in IE and Netscape. If the 'net is slow, the browser will hang otherwsie. It’s faster.
I keep the SDMB on my quickclick toolbar though. 
My home page is My Yahoo!, a portal page. It has everything I need. I know of at least one Doper who had the MPSIMS index as her home page, until I introduced her to the wonders that is My Yahoo!. 
My homepage is my own site, Six Degrees of Nothing, in the vain hopes that I can go see that AudreyK or my friend Matt has added more “news” items. It hasn’t happened yet, but you never know. 
I use my own homepage, Crusoe Takes A Trip, as the default start page.
Well, because I have an insufferable ego, my homepage is, well, my homepage…
It kept me amused for a time…I never seem to get around to playing with it any more, though…