And is it available online?
…and do you have a link its site?
And is it available online?
…and do you have a link its site?
Jackson Free Press FTW!!
May I present the Tucson Weekly.
The Onion which even though I think is nationally distributed now, started out primarily in Madison and Milwaukee.
Black & White magazine, an entirely appropriate title for the #1 alternative paper in Birmingham, AL. It’s excellent, and does a very good job of covering local political issues, events, and occasional hilarity. Here’s an article detailing the rise of a new local brewery whose growth is strangled by stupid, archaic laws being fought right now. You can see another great Birmingham landmark, Vulcan’s ass.
In the canonical “alternative weekly” mode, bizarrely, we have two English ones (the Montreal Mirror and the Hour) but only one French one (Voir); the French version of the Mirror, Ici, folded some time ago. However, there are lots of other smaller French papers distributed various places, such as L’Aut’ Journal.
One interesting story (not quite in the alternaweekly vein) is a paper started by the journalists who have been locked out of Le Journal de Montréal (crappy Sun-style daily tabloid) for months now. Called Rue Frontenac, it’s web-only for the moment but it’s become fairly popular and successful.
Not suprisingly, the Puget Sound is full of them. Our own town of Tacoma has the Weekly Volcano, which oddly enough is usually bundled within a military newspaper. Seattle has the more “established” alt weekly Seattle Weekly and the much edgier Stranger, and numerous specialized papers.
For many years Boston has had the Phoenix, which used to run The Straight Dope, but hasn’t for many years
I don’t know if they still do, but there used to be a Worcester MA version, too. Bavk in the 1970s, there was an alternative alternative staffed by disgruntled ex-Phoenix people, The Real Paper, but that has, I think, been absorbed back into the Phoenix. In any event, it hasn’t existed in many decades.
A newer alternative is The Weekly Dig, which clearly wants to unseat the Phoenix
Beaten to the punch! JFP is an awesome read.
So, I’ll share my old town’s alt paper: Louisville KY, LEO Weekly.
Pittsburgh City Paper is the closest we have
although its pretty much mostly arts.
We have two.
There’s the Lansing City Pulse - “A newspaper for the rest of us”. It does a decent job of being a liberal muckraking gadfly, as well as covering local events, concerts, shows, bars and restaurants, etc.
There’s also the Lansing Noise - Make Some", which is owned and run by the local fishwrapper, the Lansing State Journal. My take is that the LSJ folks saw that the City Pulse was doing decently well, and they decided “OOH! Us too!”. But the Journal is owned by the Gannett newspaper chain, I think, and somehow corporate newspapers don’t do small and funky all that well. It’s still interesting, but to me it feels like the newspaper version of “Casual Friday” at the local Big Eight accounting firm. You get to wear your Hush Puppies and Jimmie Buffett tie instead of wingtips and a silk Eton.
Here’s the true local alternative rag for Indianapolis: Nuvo Magazine.
Here’s the bizarro-world corporate-whore advertising-rag-with-bar-reviews, owned by Gannett, which replaces the essentially similar, which replaced the essentially similar InTake: Metromix Indianapolis. InTake and used mostly local writers and editors, with an upbeat commercial bent, and padded the rag out with classifieds culled from the Indianapolis Star. As the newspaper and classifieds markets shrink, Gannett kept “reinventing” the paper, ending up with the current version, which shares much of its content with other metropolitan Metromix papers, has a little local flavor (mostly bar and restaurant reviews), and the same classified ads.
A long-time alternative to the Star, The Indianapolis Recorder is the local African-American newspaper, and has a pretty healthy circulation; founded 1895.
And the local astrologie/magick/new age paper: Branches Magazine. Used to be full of ads for personal rolfers, etc… haven’t looked at this one for a while.
St. Louis has the Riverfront Times.
Ours is the Houston Press. It’s published weekly.
We have the Free Times, which is, eh, so-so. Its coverage of the recent mayoral election was NOT as good as it thinks it was. And it hasn’t realized that there are more things people want to read about than just local bands.
There’s also the City Paper, but nobody reads that.
Ours is Creative Loafing which now owns this board, if I’m not mistaken.
We have Creative Loafing, which I understand was bought up the Chicago Reader. We also have TBT* which is a pseudo-alternative paper published by the St Pete Times, in an effort to draw in younger readers. Creative Loafing is weekly, TBT** is daily (M-F?); both are free.
There may be others.
TBT is subtitled *Tampa Bay Times, with the asterisks.
Charlotte, too, has a Creative Loafing.
Nashville’s Online Source for Daily News
Nashville Scene
There may be others that I don’t read.