What's Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink?

After a hard day at the office: A dry Beef Eater Martini, up with an olive.

Any other time or after the second martini, good beer. A nice stout or micro brewed lager.

Beer - Corona, Pacifico, or Widmer Hefeweizen
Liquor - Bushmill’s, Maker’s Mark on the rocks, or Cuervo Anejo shots
Mixed Drink - Marguerita or Tanq & Tonic

Margarita, frozen, no salt.

Hefe-Weizen, or a Spotted Cow.

You know, I can’t quite recall why I did it in the first place, but the tastes meld together quite well. In fact, good ol’ supermarket-brand Peach Schnapps tastes good in just about any soda, including Cherry 7up (making a “Masque of the Red Death”), root beer, and ginger ale.

Go figure. :slight_smile:

And here I thought Peach Schnapps was only good in OJ. :slight_smile:

I doubt I’d try it in Coke (I don’t drink Pepsi). But I could see trying it in Cherry 7up.


What is a Beef Eater Martini, as opposed to a “regular” martini?

** That sounds incredibly tasty! I will definitely have to try that the next time I go to the bar.

And for all you vodka drinkers, I don’t know how you do it. I used to drink vodka, but we had a fight one night and it kicked my ass. We haven’t spoken since.

And by the way, ultrafilter and dreamer, the Liquid Cocaine I had on my 21st birthday (for which I have my loving older sister to thank!) was Goldschlager, Jaegermeister, and Bacardi 151 in a shot glass. The taste takes some getting used to, but if you’re looking to loosen up, take a shot - you won’t be disappointed. If you’re looking to get totally shnockered, keep 'em coming. Three or four should do ya.

Oh yeah … tequila. :smiley:


Guinness! :smiley:

Right there with ya. When gin and I met, it was love at first sip.

Sapphire & tonic, no lime. Mmmm, mmmm good! I was a Tanqueray fan for years but once I tried Sapphire that was it.

I also like hoppy ales - SLO Extra Pale and Lagunitas IPA are my current favorites. They just get better and better, which gets to be a bit of a problem after the fourth or fifth one!

[sub]It is five o’clock somewhere, isn’t it?[/sub]

Just for social, with friends drinking?A GOOD Screwdriver or better yet, a Red Death. They are soooo good…I think i’ll have one after work…Mmmmmm

Getting sloshed? A Mind Eraser or a Zombie will do ya.

1)blow pops= just like the mind erasers iirc
only with schnapps of choice i.e. watermelon blowpop or cherry blowpop.
2)cruzan 120 clipper rum w/
a. drpepper
b. limeade
c. americano and maple syrup.
3)any true bottom fermented bock beer…
btw do any oregon dopers know where any of the fine texas bocks are available in oregon?

Martini, extra dry, with olive (and no pimentos, please)

Captain Morgan’s Spiced Rum and Coke.

I’m a beer guy, Shiner Bock and Fat tire are the best, but for a drink, try a mai tai!

I’ve had Smirnoff Ice (lemon flavoured vodka drink) too many times, now I’m sick of that girly drink. Corona’s a good relaxing beer but ya hafta have the lime wedge with it. Straight shots of vodka are OK and so are Peach Schnapps. Strawberry daquiris are a really nice summer drink. ~~~~mmmm, alcoholic beverages

Beer: Shiner Bock
Hard Bev: Vodka
Finer side: Champagne
Mix: Vodka and Dr. Pepper

Beer: Black Butte Porter when I’m back West, Blue Moon Ale when I’m on the East Coast.

Others: Apple Martini. Grey Goose and pineapple juice. Incontinent Greyhound (vodka and grapefruit juice with a splash of lemon juice). Margarita.

I guess I’m just fruity like that. :slight_smile:

Y’know, I’ve heard a lot of good things about apple martinis. Methinks I’m going to have to try one sometime.

Sam Hell, what is a Red Death? I’m always open to trying new things, and this sounds quite interesting. (if not dangerous!)
