What's your favorite F-Bomb?

I almost never swear, when I do it’s pretty good. I run a machine shop. When I’m say working on the lathe on a part for an hour or two and something goes wrong I’ve been known to scream my favorite; “you cuntycockfucker.”

My minions evaporate.

Shut the fuck up, Donny.

Cluster fuck. Brings to my mind the mental picture that not only is the situation hopelessly scrambled - FUBAR would be redundant here - but all involved are doing nothing but waving their genitals around.

filanthropy… cus i always get the making of the f bomb wrong

The most pathetic fuck I ever heard was from a cherry from another squad who just returned from his first patrol on his first day in country. He was in a squatting position, ass on the ground, leaning back against a telephone pole rubbing the back of his neck rocking back and forth. He was so spent that he hadn’t bothered to even unbuckle, let alone take off, any of his web gear. He was holding his rifle between his legs. I asked him how long he had been here and he said, with all the pain and misery in his soul that a 19 year old can muster, “All. Fucking. Day.”

I took his rifle, cleared it, returned it, and told him to hang in there. Then I chased down his sergeant and told him he had a cherry that needed help.

Elizabeth: You can go suck a fuck.
Donnie: Oh, please, tell me, Elizabeth, how exactly does one suck a fuck?

It’s interesting to note that the in-fucking-sertion of “fuck” actually follows some pretty fucking strict grammatical rules, in that you can only stick in certain places. See expletive infixation.

English doesn’t really have infixes, although some other languages have plenty. Still, it’s apparantly fond enough of in-fucking-fixing “fuck” to have grammar for it. I find that interesting.

As for the OP’s question, I’ve recently become fond of “Jesus tittyfucking Christ”, for whatever that’s worth.


Well told - I can hear that Fuck in his voice.

For me, the first that comes to mind is when I am making it clear that a line has been crossed and I am crossing over it, too - every word is delivered low-key except the F-bomb:

Are you FUCKING kidding me?

Looking them straight in the eye. Makes it clear I am serious, you know?

Big fan of the interfuckingjection.

I am a wordsmith, and use words for their meanings. I hate this word. It has totally lost all sense of meaning.

Shit, on the other hand, is a great word. Four letters that express indignation so fucking well.

In terms of specific utterances my favorite is from Cat Deeley here (audio NSFW - duh). She’s a classy broad, that Cat.

I’m going to have to go with Fuckin’-A or, when emphasis is needed, Fuckin’-A Toochie.

I have often wondered if Toochie (however it ought to be spelled) is a variant of Touche’.

The Fuckin-A Bubba usage is also effective.

When things go really badly, it’s “Fuck me in the heart.”

Morse code fans might enjoy this little ditty:


And as for insertions: un-be-fucking-lievable.

If we want to get to specific sentences, “Fuck that fat fuck!” has a nice mix of alliteration and rhyme. Quite me-fucking-llifluous.

I find this is much improved with a ‘because’.

“Why is _______? Because fuck you, that’s why.”

Also another Carlin gem: “Why don’t you go play ‘Hide and Go Fuck Yourself’?”

This is my favorite too - probably because it sounds like what it is.

Favorite movie fuck goes to Al Pacino in And Justice For All(about 1:45 in).

Warning: All Links go to Youtube - Not Safe For Work Videos: Language
I rather enjoy the versatility of the word. I don’t go as far as Rocco in [NSFW] Boondock Saints. But I’ve been known to use it where appropriate.

My current favorite use in the Movies goes to Ryan Reynolds in [also NSFW] Blade: Trinity

And for sheer power in delivery, I fair sure no-one can top Al Pacino. I’m partial to Heat, although he certainly goes for a different approach in Glengarry Glen Ross (or however you spell it). There is a classic youtube compilation of all of the instances of the word in Scarface [Very NSFW]. And if you happen to have caught Robin William’s Live on Broadway Special, the DVD has a compilation of every time he uses profanity. It runs 2 minutes and 15 seconds, with 90% being the F word or some variant.

Fuck that noise.

I, too, am a wordsmith (I get paid to write and everything!) and I fucking love the word “fuck.” Fucking love it. It’s one of the best words in the English language. “Shit” is good and all, but doesn’t have anywhere near the power and versatility of “fuck.”

And I’m partial to “fuckstick.” I call a lot of people that on my way home, matter of fact.

Is it just me or do others have their skin crawl and their teeth get on edge whenever some substitute “word” like effin’ or frickin’ or friggin’ or feckin’ gets used to try to beef up the language? I mean, if you’re going to cuss, then cuss. If not, don’t. That other shit is way too weak to be effective.