What's Your Favorite Internet Meme?

My favorite as well. I use it in actual speech when I wouldn’t be caught dead even acknowledging any of the others.

Flea Market Montgomery

Alabama Leprechaun

I frequently use the snowclone “x y is x”, originally from “longcat is long”.

and I’m sure I could think of more, given time! What I really wanted to post here, though, is that I don’t understand Advice Dog.

Advice Dog seems to be pretty cut and dry. It gets harder to follow when it references other memes, though.

All Your Base.

Or possibly “I’m in ur base killin ur d00dz”. I think I might just have a thing for garbled sentences with “base” in them.

I’m somewhat partial to the Failboat.

Is the “Cat Massage” video an Internet Meme yet?

Socially Awkward Penguin was pretty funny.

Badger, badger, mushroom… snake!

Cat Massage? I’ll say no. Gimme an example, though.

It’s funny on its own, but the music makes it.

Surprised kitty. I still love it.

The How is babby formed? flash is still a favourite of mine :slight_smile:

I love the dude’s voice. “They need to do way instain mother!” I have a FOAF who’s done gravitas-offs with the guy, and they both sound awesome.

Really, I love any meme that can work its way into casual conversation. orly/yarly comes up a lot.

That video is a good response to people who say things like, “Good writing and grammar don’t matter. You still understand what I’m saying.”

It’s time for cat massage!

This may actually be more of a local thing…it’s actually gotten a lot of attention on local radio, mainly because the true humor is found in the audio.

I wouldn’t say that’s a meme, though.

If we’re going all-time, I have to go with Star Wars Kid.

My loony bun is fine, Benny Lava

Yo yo yo, Ima let you all finish, but Kanye West had one of the best memes of all time.

Especially when combined with the crasher squirrel.

Not only does Techno Viking techno into Mordor he techno’s all over Saurons ugly face.

Whenever I see that I picture the scene from the Incredibles when Elasti-Girl is spoon feeding Jack Jack and she is mouthing “om nom nom”.

This site has a history of memes and usually videos or articles explaining the memes.


My favorites are the Chuck Norris facts and Techno Viking.

Whichever one is being discussed. For the most part, I just like memes because it makes you feel you’re in on a joke. Even the lame and old ones.

I probably do have a favorite that I can’t think of at the moment.