What's your favorite region of the brain?

Mine is the medulla oblongata, just because it’s fun to say.

Occipital lobe, because it is most useful for the stuff I do.

Joke answer: putamen, because it sounds like something rude in some Romance language.

Answer chosen for euphony: Fornix. It sounds like a Roman centurion’s name. Marcus Fornix Carnifex!

Amygdala. It sounds beautiful. It looks beautiful. And messing with it will cause River Tam to kick your ass.

But the Circle of Willis is pretty cool, too.

The corpus callosum. It keeps things in their proper hemisphere, but allows them to communicate.

What ever are you talking about?

Serious? (Oh, I’ll just pretend you are, 'cause then I have an excuse to link to pretty pictures.)

The Circle of Willis is a group of blood vessels in your brain. It’s really cool looking. I mean, really cool! You have a star in your head, dude! Like…woah…

I think amygdala is one of the coolest English words. It’s definitely the nicest-sounding piece of brain anatomy. But my favorite is dendrites! They’re electric, boogiewoogiewoogie.


I just got it.
Still…pretty pictures!!! :smiley:

The Fissure of Rolando (now called the Central Sulcus or Sulcus of Rolando), because that’s where you have to hit the Giant Floating Brain in The Brain from Planet Arous to kill it. Use a baseball bat. Or an axe.



The pituitary gland because its sexy.

Temporal lobe: hippocampus in the house!

Optic chiasm! Too cool for school.

I have to say I’m a bit surprised - no love for the prefrontal cortex? That’s my second favorite region, since it handles executive functions, including the planning and executing of complex tasks (among other things).

Basal ganglion. But I love it in a “love to hate it” kind of way.

I’m kind of fond of the pineal.

I like the brain stem, because it keeps my heart and such going, and without that the rest of the brain wouldn’t be much use. Circle of Willis is cool just because it sounds like a name of a place in some mythical world.

Monstro took my answer (files Monstro under “competitor” in reptilian brain).

As your attorney I advise you avoid the pineal. I’ll try just about anything; but I’d never in hell touch a pineal gland.

Cerebral cortex. Just say it over and over. You get a nice sibilant moment, then a stop, and get to seal it off with an x…how cool is that?

Plus, it sounds like something that enables you to levitate objects with your mind.

Probably the nucleus accumbens.