What's your favorite snack cake (US)?

Hostess Ho-Hos for me. They remind me of those tiny cakes you can get in a box at Christmas - “petits fours”. Got to have them with a big glass of milk, though.

I like Little Debbie’s Pecan Spinwheels. Those are about the only snack cake thing I dare eat anymore. They only have 16 carbs and 100 calories apiece, so I don’t have to give up a meal to have one once in awhile.

Yankee Doodles get a mention but not Sunny Doodles?

I’m weird that way. I also like the Golden Oreos better than the regular ones.

It is a mild pet peeve of mine when folks wander into a poll and get all uppity because the OP did not include [fill in the blank].

But I must now break my own rule and stride up to the podium and express my outrage at the criminal omission of the only snack cake my heart beats for:

I give you, the Hostess Honey Bun.



I love Devil Dogs with an unholy passion. Yes, yes, I know they’re dry, but I still love them.

And Nutty Bars.

Little Debbie Cherry Cordials, only available around Valentine’s. I could eat myself out of house and home if those things were accessible year-round.

It’s been mentioned but I wish I could live on Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme cakes.

They’re all disgusting, but I will admit to a secret and rarely-indulged fondness for Hostess’ Orange Cupcakes. Only the orange though. I don’t eat anything else.

That’s the one. Crack wafers, they are.

Likes me some Kandy Kakes as well, but I’m outside the Tastykake zone.

My grandmother loved sno balls and I quickly found out why when I was a kid. I still get a craving for one once in awhile. sinfully good stuff.

After years of no Twinkies I bought a couple on impulse. Blech! Those were not the Twinkies of my childhood. Slickery fatty fake sugar badness.

Banana flavored cakes of most any kind are so awful they’re delish. It’s good they’re not sold around here very often.

Butterscotch krimpets have been my favorite since I was about 9 or 10. I could eat them every day!

I voted other. My favorites are brownies and spinwheels.