Mine: Shin Ramyun ‘Hot & Spicy’ Noodle Soup, by Nong Shim.
NONE at all. Just for the record. They taste blaaah!
But I haven’t tasted it in almost eight years, because I don’t have to buy it anymore to be able to say I ate something today.
I mean what brand of ramen.
Everybody Loves Ramen
(Couldn’t resist.)
Groan, and
Sapporo Ichiban. Ersatz chicken. Tasted much better when I was a smoker, than after I’d quit. I’m off the wagon, and enjoying Ichiban again.
Handy, dandy lunch.
I liked the Baked Ramen, but I can’t find it any more.
Maruchan Brand Creamy Chicken is my favorite. It’s considerably better than Top Ramen’s version of Creamy Chicken.
I like Creamy Chicken mostly because I like to drain the water and add things, like frozen mixed vegetables and/or chicken bites, etc… then use only half the packet. Yum, cheap, good.
Another vote for Sapporo Ichiban. I don’t have it often, but it’s the best brand that I’ve tried.
They’re so uniformly identical, I didn’t realize that there were different brands. As for favorite flavor, I go with Chicken.
Flavor-wise, I’m fond of creamy chicken myself. But I love experimenting with weird and different ramen from the Asian supermarket. I do remember literally puking up red after having a big bowl of Nong Shim Spicy ramen one night, but I was really nervous because I had my first jury selection ever the following morning (which would be cancelled once I got to court).
Another vote for “None At All.” I refused to eat that junk in college, and I refuse to eat it now. I’d rather starve. Besides, I can live off my body fat for a good, oh…3 years or so.
Nissin Top Ramen Chicken Mushroom. Yum! I discovered it in college, and I used to keep a few packages here at work for an emergency lunch/snack (I also kept some at home in case I was feeling sick, or even lazier than usual at dinnertime). I like the Oriental and Teriyaki Chicken flavors, too.
But I haven’t had it in forever, because a while ago my usual grocery store stopped carrying the Nissin brand and switched to just Maruchan. I don’t like any of the Maruchan flavors.
I love ramen, but I prefer to eat in real ramen restaurants.
Of coures there isn’t one where I live so I have to make do with packaged ones. Sapporo Ichiban is not bad. I usually add bean sprouts and maybe a tiny bit of ground beef, stir-fried. Or kimchi - lots of it. Sometimes a clove of garlic, pressed. And fresh ground pepper, always.
Pity. I like Shin Ramyun because its flavour seems to be more robust than Nissin or Maruchan. Though your nausea was probably caused by your nervousness, I fear you’ll always associate Shin Ramyun with throwing up.
I had some shrimp in the freezer, so I threw some into my soup last night. I’ll have to do that again.
Back in the '80s we had a snack table at work. (Worked on the honour-system, BTW. Small company, no one cheated.) It offered Cup-O-Noodles, cheese and cracker packets, candy, chips, cookies, etc. I liked to make the chicken Cup-O-Noodles and pour the liquid into a cup. I’d drink the broth out of the cup. I’d take the cheese from the cheese and crackers and mix it into the noodles and eat ‘chicken noodles-and-cheese’. Well, I liked it.
Not sure what brand it in, but it has a happy little boy on the wrapper, holding a bowl of noodles. My favorite flavors are Satay, Sesame Chicken and Spicy Seafood.
Didn’t Maruchan used to have wacky animated commercials (ISTR a caveman and a dinosaur) where the only dialog was a shouted ‘Maruchan!’ at the end?
I like, for the ‘thin’ ramen, the Sapporo Ichiban brands. I’ve enjoyed all the flavors of that I’ve had, but prefer the beef or miso.
I’m not quite sure that one can call the Shin Ramyun spicy noodles ramen, per se. I think they’re udon, instead. And they’re yummy, too. Especially if you throw in a couple of gyoza…
Top Ramen - Pork
Anything else is inferior