What's your kryptonite? What's your spinnach?

Kryptonite: You are powerless against it, and unable to remove yourself from its presence. What substance can immediately sap you of your strength and will?

Spinnach: It can rouse you from the drowsiest drowse, it’s what enables you to dig deepest and come through in a crisis.

Curiously enough, for me, both answers are coffee.

Kryptonite: Dogs. Stupid phobia.

Spinach: Coffee. It is the greatest of God’s gifts to us. (I know some people think that’s wrong, that God’s greatest gift is love–but love s not available for all, whereas a good cuppa joe is.)

Kryptonite: A woman, whom I have known previously or not, showing considerably more than strictly social interest in me…

Spinach: A woman, whom I have known previously or not, showing consi…
Well, you get the idea…I notice that Inigo mentions that his strength AND weakness are both coffee. I wonder if that might not be a common point, that one’s strength, AND one’s weakness are often one and the same?

Kryptonite: Tequila. Puts me on the floor everytime

Spinach: Beer. Most of the greatest things I have accomplished in this life I have done because of beer.

As a mostly-carnivore, my Kryptonite is, ironically, spinach.

Kryptonite: Bugs. God I hate bugs. Big ones, little ones, flying ones, crawling ones. Gah. Also mice. I suppose rats, except I’ve never actually run across one, thank goodness. Pretty much anything that qualifies as a creepy-crawly. Especially those damned bugs, though.

Spinach: Coffee. I love coffee even more than I hate bugs.

Kryptonite: Women crying. A crying woman I can’t stand to see. It makes me want to do ridiculous things to make them stop crying, like driving 75 miles to help (true story) or spending a few hundred bucks to cheer them up (true story). Luckily for me, its a controlled weakness. both of those examples happened to me, but i don’t regret them. It always depends on the situation. But its a weakness. A womans tears can always sway me.

Spinach: Self preservation. If i’m scared enough I’ve done things I didn’t think I was capable of.

Kryptonite and Spinach: Starbucks Iced Vanilla Chai Latte.

Kryptonite: Cleavage. Must see skin - while fully covered is still quite nice, it’s the plunging neckline that weakens my knees and my resolve.

Spinach: Spelling spinach properly :cool: Actually, I’ll have to say caffeine, whether in coffee, tea, or Mountain Dew Code Red form.

And as a comic book fan, my spinach is, ironically, Kryptonite.

Kryptonite: Women’s legs and feet.

Spinach: Strong coffee with heavy cream.

What happens if a ridiculously hot woman with to-die-for legs, wearing a minsksirt, delivers you a refill on said coffee?

you explode. Or feel like it. it happened…really.

Kryptonite: Alchohol

Spinach: Sex

Unfortunatly my kryptonite and my spinach have have been inexorably intertwined most of my life…I’m trying to stick to sex from now on.

Kryptonite: Snakes and big spiders. I hate snakes. They just freak me out. Itty-bitty spiders that I can step on and squash are okay, but the big hairy ones are scary.

Spinach: A well-timed compliment. Kind words can go a long way. Also, just to jump on the band wagon, a big cup of coffee, with fake sweetener and real cream. I wasn’t sure, and then when I read the other replies, that seemed appropriate. Nothing like a big ole cuppa joe.

Red Kryptonite - Jagermeister. Remember how you never knew what would happen to Superman when he was exposed? I feel the same way about Jagermeister. As soon as the first shot goes down, it’s Anything Can Happen Day.

Green Kryptonite - Dunkin’ Donuts Boston Kremes. Left alone in a room full of these donuts, I would eat myself into a food coma not seen since that guy exploded in that Monty Python movie. I shit you not.

Spinach - Coffee is the obvious answer. Then again, a Black Cherry Fresca is nearly as invigorating these days.

Kryptonite: Visible women’s cleavage, especially when the women is plump and busty. This exerts a near-irresistable fascination.

Spinach: things that get me through times of great struggle? Not so easy to think of. Possibly Pepsi (I hate coffee).

I kiss her feet. What else?

Kryptonite: Television. I hate that idiot box. If there’s one on in a room, it takes damn near all my concentration to not watch it. No matter how crappy whatever’s on, it draws me in and slowly kills my brain cells off one by one …

Spinach: We all hail to the great black bean, all glory to the god Caffeine! :slight_smile:

Kryptonite: Solitude. Most of the biggest regrets in my life are things I did due to loneliness and/or horniness. I don’t do “alone” very well at all. :frowning:

Spinach: Until fairly recently, I would have said “MDMA.” Now, I would say exercise. A good workout leaves me happy, relaxed and focused for the next day or two (at which point, ideally, I go work out again).