Back in the Canonical Sixties there were:
Green Kryptonite – made Superman weaker, and could kill him. He turned gren
Red Kryptonite-- Unexpected results on Superman and other Kryptonians, once only. Created by Green Kryptonite that passed through a Mysterious Space Cloud. Supes kept lead-wrapped samples of klnown effect Around in case he needed that effect
Blue Kryptonite – Affected Bizarro Supermen the way Green Kryptonite affected Superman. Created by putting Green Kryptonite under a Bizarro Projector
White Kryptonite – killed plant life. Don’t know where this one came from, in continuity or in real life. It actually was a plot point in a Superman story once, well after it was created.
Yellow Kryptonite – appeared in a story where Lex Luthor had a Kryptonite-making machine. He didn’t tell Superman what effect it had, but it turned out not to be real anyway
Gold Kryptonite – took away a Kryptonian’s super-powers permanently. I don’t know how they found out its capabilities, or how they knew it was permanent. Apparently you needed a sort of critical mass, though, because a few grains didn’t affect Supergirl, while they took away the powers of a Kandorian villainess. I have no idea how it was created.
Jewel Kryptonite – from the Jewel Mountains of Krypton. This allowed Kryptonian criminals in the Phantom Zone to amplify their mental powers. Also good for hypnotizing Jimmy Olsen.
Kryptonite-X – A blend of Kryptonite and Uranium (!!) that gave Streaky the Super-Cat his powers. (I swear, the “real” comic book stuff is weirder than the jokes you can make up)
That’s all I can recall. Doubtless there were others, and doubtless it’s all different in the current continuity.
Heck, some geek has to have set up a website with all this on it.