What's your most prized posession?

My Fox Sterlingworth 12-guage double shotgun.

My great-grandfather bought it brand new, and it still shoots like a dream. I fully intend for my great grandchildren to have this gun someday.

Selmer? The reed company? I didn’t know they made guitars.

After making sure my family was out, I would also make sure that I got out my guitar (believe it or not) , my computer and as many books as I could possibly grab.

  1. my dogs
  2. the photo album I made of a dog that I put to sleep in Oct.
  3. my purse
  4. my Winnie the Pooh bear that I’ve had since 4

I imagine getting my two dogs out would take any time I might have, though, and that’s fine. I can just barely carry them at 53 & 60 pounds, but to get them both would require two trips if they wouldn’t/couldn’t walk out.

Although the photo album has 3-d elements, I plan to digitize it & store a copy at work in case anything ever does happen to it.

My purse is important because I have a little of all my meds & my wallet in it.

And my Pooh bear was my best friend until I got to college. I lived in the country and went through a small school system. I was pretty nerdy and anxious, read big books like Rand’s The Fountainhead and was waaaaaay unpopular. Pooh was the best I had until I found other people like me.

After the kids and dog were out, I would grab my laptop, my reference books and my pillow.

I luffs my pillow.
Pictures and whatnot are in our safe.

Assuming we’re not talking about people, then I’d save my father’s Hamilton Railroad Watch.

Other than people, it’s almost all jewelry.

My engagement ring from Irishfella.
My 21st birthday ring from my parents, it’s blue topaz, and will be my “something blue” for the wedding.
A beautiful gold cross from my grandmother that she gave me when I sat the 11 plus exam, and which I wear to every exam, for luck.

The white leather jewelry box that was left to me by the mother of my dad’s friend. She was a wonderful lady who used to spend an hour every morning standing on her head to increase her brainpower…it’s the only thing of hers anyone in my family has.

A Bagpuss soft toy, that was the first gift Irishfella bought for me, and has been all over the world with me to remind me of him when he’s not with me.

Everything else I own is replaceable, these things aren’t.

My GameCube controller. So many good times…

Actually, because the controller is so easily replaced, probably I’d go more with either my design notebook or the CD with all my work backed up onto it. It’d really suck to lose either of those things. It’d cause me great pain to lose my memory card, too, because it has my Smash Brothers trophy collection on it (diskun!) - I guess I have to prioritise, though.

~ Isaac

Pardon? Whose post were you quoting? I never mentioned the word Selmer in my post, or made reference to a saxophone.

Gee, I don’t have anything worthwhile!
After kids and cats, I have a few books that mean a lot to me, and a box of sentimental things that I rarely look at anymore. The loss of those books would just about kill me, the box of mementos…it’d hurt but I’d get over it one day.

I believe he was quoting me.

Yes, Selmer made guitars - very nice ones. Used almost exclusively for jazz, especially Gypsy Jazz. Link.. Another link, with more info than you will probably ever need.

Paintings, although narrowing them down to one would be extremely difficult. Still, they’re the objects of greatest beauty and the least replaceable.

Well, my house is certainly the one which would cause me the most frustration and inconvenience if something happened to it.

As far as sentimentality is concerned, it’s either the ship’s ticket from when my great grandparents came over from eastern europe in 1911, or the Staff Sweatshirt from the school newspaper my senior year, which was my Formative High School Experience.

My cat! But I couldn’t consider him a posession. He’d rather consider me one!

At the end of grade 12 I got a book that I got everyone to write nice things in for me. A lot of people wrote a lot of stuff, and the entire book got filled. It’s one of the most special things I own.