By phobia I mean an extreme, irrational and, as the dictionary puts it, “morbid” fear. So, for example, if you’re nervous of large growling dogs, you’re sensible, but if you check under the bed every night in case one is lurking there, it’s a phobia.
I’m going to take a guess that the most common ones will be spiders, snakes, mice and miscellaneous insects, so it’ll be interesting to see if I’m wrong.
Also, could you kindly give your phobia a severity rating from 1 to 5?
1 = you’re horrified if you encounter the real thing, but pictures and thoughts are no problem.
5 = Even if you see a photo of the feared object (you can barely contemplate seing the real thing), you scream and claw your skin because you can’t get the image out of your mind, even though you have thrown the magazine with the photo in it across the room. You have to ask your friends to see films before you do, to check that IT does not feature. Basically, you would risk death, and endanger others, to avoid it.
(2,3,4 are gradations in between)
Nearly forgot, mine is spiders, and it’s a number 5. And anyone who attaches a pic to their post is a rotter.