Apologies if the title is unclear, I wasn’t sure if there was an actual term for what I’m describing (“totem” comes close but that’s a specific term that has a different meaning than what I’m talking about here) which is; if you had to pick one animal that the people around you would forever associate with your personality or lifestyle, what would it be? Or rather, what animal do you think people would pick for you? Because I think I’d like mine to be something glorious like a Tyrannosaurus, but in reality most people who know me would probably think of my as some sort of cat.
The coelacanth. Most people who know me would probably agree, I think.
The aardvark. I’ve adopted it as our team mascot, because the school one is lame and uninspired.
The sloth.
Bloodthirsty savage.
That’s an animal, right?
Oh, a cat!
An annoying, persistent, bitey black cat with a white face and sharp claws.
I only function as a mouser during working hours. After that I’m drinking little kitty vodka martinis. Then I tip the drink over and chase the olives around on the floor. Whoo! Get it! It’s rollin’!
After that I’m sacked out on the bed, dreaming of saving strays.
I’d like to say a tiger, but I’m not really that fierce. Possibly a crow. Or a kittycat, a lazy one.
Big fat sloth.
Beaver. It turns into an otter to play. Don’t ask.
I’m a mouse. Big eyed, nervous, like to hoard stuff.
Middle-aged black and grey tomcat, slightly crabby, slightly fat, much devoted to rest and melodious meowing.
Hedgehog. Small, round, occasionally rather prickly and grumbly and not that good with meeting new people but quite sweet to people I know well.
I do not eat grubs but my diet is not great.
A wolf.
Though as a Kid, I used to think it was an Orca because I liked wolves, but I liked Dolphins too. And Free Willy was awesome. Ahh… simpler times.
I am quick, skinny, ferocious, and I have an insatiable lust for blood
I mean cookies…
Yes, cookies…
I had a dream once where a huge eagle came down next to me and started eating out of my hand. Apparently, according to a Native Canadian guy I talked to, that is an extremely powerful dream, and the eagle is my totem. For what that’s worth.
Terrestrial? Slow Loris
Aquatic? Sarcastic Fringehead
Combined, they offer a reasonable approximation of me ;).
An otter. They sure seem to have a lot of fun. Or maybe a beagle. I like to howl!
the rat.
Adaptable, curious and clever. Never mind the other connotations.
Cat. I have a feeling this board is going to be full of cats. I’m the aloof cat that one day sneaks into your lap and starts purring, and then you can’t get any work done without the cat hopping on your lap or walking across your keyboard. Well, no – not really. But I am aloof till I get to know people, then I thaw out pretty quicky and become friendly. I sometimes sing, and when I do it’s off-key, so maybe I’m a Siamese.