My big problem with organ donation is someone being declared “brain dead” only to recover and go on to live happy lives. Zack Dunlap, Val Thomas are two of many who were declared brain dead yet they recovered, so the doctors were mistaken. People make mistakes and given that we have documented cases of these mistakes from all over the world, and given the time constraints on organ harvesting, odds are doctors have killed people who would have recovered had they not had their organs removed.
Once your doctor has given up on you, you become a pile of parts, if they think your parts are useable, then odds are you will be given drugs to preserve the organs, not the help the patient in anyway and may in fact harm the patient, even if they don’t have permission to harvest.
They send someone from a organ procurement organization, who are sometimes introduce as a grief counselor, who will tell your love ones, how you’d really want some good to come out of this, how (name your religion) approves of this, etc. They have the script down pat, so they’re pressured to give in, and if someone objects, they try to get them to leave so the people left will give in. Heard it, talk to people who had it happen.
In 1996 at least 19 of the nation’s 64 organ procurement organizations now have protocols for obtaining organs from donors who do not meet the criteria for “brain death.” They declare you dead if your heart stops beating for as little as two minuets. A short enough time that your heart could be put into another person and the heart could still be restarted.
In some places if they declare you dead and your organs might be of use, by law they can start the removal process even though they don’t have permission from anyone. In hopes that they might get permission to harvest,
Sorry but given the fact doctors are people and people make mistake and given the pressure for organs, doctors have killed and will kill people for their organs, even if by mistake.
I want nothing to do with it at all. But I also have stated that I refuse a organ if I ever needed one, because I’m don’t want any part of that system.
BTW just because you’re donating you or your loved one organs don’t expect a dime, everyone else will be making a lot of money, except you.