No matter where you go, there you are.
No matter where you go, there you are.
When one is down to 105 pounds and has a track mark down the length of at least three veins.
The computer has brought more problems to man then any other invention in history. That is unless you consider Tequilla an invention.
Good question. I’ve got over 1800 posts, been to one Doper Rally, and attending another on tomorrow, and I still don’t know if I’m a Doper yet.
Seriously. I think the only thing I’m missing is a flame. I have been whooshed (just a few days ago, in fact, was my first real whooshing), but not flamed. I think the reason I haven’t been flamed is because I’m too chickens*** to open myself up to it.
But that’s just me. My guess is that if you’re not a troll, you’re a Doper. Others may have more stringent requirements, but I myself am pretty relaxed.
Hope that helped!
This is my new sig. Thank Wally. It was his idea.
“I made my husband join a bridge club. He jumps next Tuesday.”
When one has 642 posts in only two months.
Hey, whaddaya know.
“Winners never quit and quitters never win, but those who never win and never quit are idiots.”
“This site is more addictive than caramel-covered crack!”
Anytime one wishes to. No one’s keeping score.
Hmm, as a relatively new member, I feel the need to point out that longetivity of involvement and post counts do not necessarily corespond with a) accuracy of information distributed, b) humor of information distributed, and ultimately c) value to the community.
I think, in addition to the post count, the site should track the number of wise, funny, correct, sexy, and warm contributions. Perhaps extra points for number of Cecil references, or negative points for every flame outside the pit.
Though I don’t consider myself a true “doper” yet, I feel confident in saying that you, Dad, are!
You obviously aren’t a troll, you have insightful additions to posts, and you have made me laugh on more than one occasion.
That is just IMHO, of course.
{{{blush}}} I aim to please <bows>
And it’s 600+ posts without ever double-posting! <bows>
I think my moment just happened:
Incontravertable proof that someone, somewhere, has heard my name, and noticed.
“I never meant to hurt you,” you said,
And buried yourself in lies instead.
Next time I would rather be slain,
Than forced to bear your mercy again.