Was his breakthrough album ‘beyond the pale’?
I remember seeing him doing stand up comedy before that, but he wasn’t really a big name.
Was his breakthrough album ‘beyond the pale’?
I remember seeing him doing stand up comedy before that, but he wasn’t really a big name.
Which one was the Hot Pockets joke? Because literally that’s how everyone I know (including myself) first heard of him, with that bit being circulated on the internet.
That was my guess as well. He’s so much better than just “Hot Pockets,” but that’s his claim to fame, as far as I’ve known. So that’s like 15 years or so now? Just guessing off the top of my head.
Has he yet?
Oooooh, sic burn!
No, he’s delightful. But i don’t know enough to answer the question. I just saw my chance to make a dumb joke and 2 of these 9 beers made me do it.
I’m pretty sure I heard “bacon” first.
He was on That 70s show in 2003, and I knew him as a standup back then. Can’t recall when I first saw him perform, but it feels like he’s been around forever.
Jim Gaffigan went through a growth and maturation of his comedy that few comedians do. He was what I would call a journeyman comedian for a long time. I saw him back in the early to mid 1990’s and we was probably making a good living at that point.
Starting around that “Hot Pocket” routine, he began to make the majority of his comedy about food, being fat, his family life, and also began adding that “what the audience is thinking” voice to his act.
It could have become a low-brow or “larry the cable guy” type act, but he and his wife actually did a really great job evolving his act.
Yes, Beyond the Pale was his first major release even though he had albums before that. Netflix picked up all of his specials at some point and I think that increased exposure as well.
I had heard of him for years and even seen him on TV numerous times, but had written him off. Seeing all his specials on Netflix(and now Prime) has made him one of my favorite comedians out there. He’s really improved.
And he has a new special on Netflix tomorrow!
Beyond the Pale is when he did a hot pocket routine. But the audience reacted like they’d heard it before, but I’m guessing that was his break out routine.
Also his newest special that came out today was good and totally worth watching. I enjoyed it. He keeps putting out quality specials every year or two.
No, you’re thinking of John Mulaney.
(That’s a reference to the new special @Mahaloth mentioned)
The evolution of a stand up comic is usually:
Open mic<opener<middle<club headliner<theater headliner
For a very elite few they can graduate to arenas. Gaffigan’s current tour is in a mix of theaters and arenas.
I would put the line of making it big at when they headline in theaters and only play clubs to work out material. I’m reasonably sure that happened with Beyond the Pale. That one was recorded at a small theater but I’m pretty sure he was not yet exclusively a theater comic before that hit.
It was excellent, by the way. Little dip in the middle, but overall very strong.
I became aware of him from his Netflix specials, then he moved to Amazon but he is apparently back on Netflix again.
I’ve been watching him lately, he does have 6 specials on netflix.
2006: Beyond the Pale
2009: King Baby
2012: Mr. Universe
2014: Obsessed
2017: Cinco
2021: Comedy Monster
But the ones he did between Cinco and comedy monster are all on amazon, I believe.
2018: Noble Ape
2019: Quality Time
2020: The Pale Tourist
I’ve had trouble finding his stuff from pre-beyond the pale though. He did several albums before that but they’re harder to find.
Yeah, it’s weird how hard they are to find, even on Youtube.
As far as I know Beyond the Pale was his first special. Before that he released several audio only albums.
I searched the titles of his first five albums and didn’t see them on YouTube
I did find a physical copy of ‘doing my time’ at the library once, but that’s it. his beyond the pale and later albums are much easier to find.
edit, I did just find doing my time on YouTube but that’s the one I’ve already heard
The first time I was aware of him I saw him on TV in something like Comedy Central Presents Jim Gaffigan and was I believe a 30 minute show.
It’s got the mayonnaise bit and bottled water bit and Mexican food bit.
The first time I saw him was in a TV commercial — for what, I don’t remember — set at a yard sale. While the voiceover talked about whatever, Gaffigan wordlessly poked through the stuff for sale and was funny. No, I don’t know why a man sitting in a canoe on a lawn and imitating paddling is funny, but he made it hilarious. (I think it was, at least in part, his facial expression.)