When do you consider Fall has arrived?

I know it was supposed to come last week, but for me it came today. I had to shield my eyes from the glare driving into the rising sun on the way to work. It won’t be long before I have to commute in the dark.

For me, Fall started a couple of weeks ago, when the nights started getting cool enough to use a comforter (I leave my windows open as late in the year as possible!), and the breeze started having a chill to it when I wasn’t in the sun.

The rain smells different now, too. Can’t explain what I mean by that, though.

It doesn’t feel like Fall around here to me until mid October sometime… when the leaves all start coming down, and the air has a noticeable crispness to it. (I can’t quite describe the air-- its not just cold… it has a bite to it as well.)

Our leaves have started turning, some are coming down.

I’ve been freezing all week because I’m telecommuting, and I’m leaving my office windows open. It’s been around 60 and windy for the past couple of days, which is OK if you’re moving around, but pretty frigid when you’re sitting and all that’s moving are your fingers on the keyboard. Brrr.

To me, fall begins when the water out of the tap in the mornings turns cold, as opposed to not quite tepid. That was about 2 weeks ago here. Some of my trees have had their leaves start to yellow, confirming my liquid observation.

as i live in the bay area, fall is when the sun comes out and it warms up. the night sky gets crisp and clear again. and the sun comes in my front window again.

For me, the first day of fall is the day I can actually wear jeans again. It’s not cold here yet, but the weather has been a little cooler over the past week. Some of the leaves in the area have started changing color, too, which definitely makes it feel more like fall.

for me, it usually about the time of the first conference game of my favorite college football team.

When I can start closing my windows at night and sleeping with my blankets.

When the Halloween stuff comes into the stores. Fall arrived in July this year.

About three days ago when a front went through and the nights dropped into the mid-40s, and I could leave my window open for the FIRST time since about March. I LOVE waking up in a chilly room with lots of blankets. I hate the getting up part, though. (Days have been in the mid-to-high 70s and sunny and breezy and finally NOT HUMID, thank God.)

I’m pretty far south, though, so nobody hurt me too badly, I don’t call it cold until it gets into the low 40s, with wind. I do not break out a parka when it drops below 50 like some people do. I like winter. I want to move somewhere where there’s a real winter.

Does that make me weird?

For me fall starts when it drops below freezing at night and I have to scrape the car windows in the morning.

That was last week.

hmmm… i’d say fall has arrived when school starts (which was the start of this month). :smiley:

I thought of this thread when I saw all of the pumpkins out in front of the Kroger’s this evening. Plus the aisle full of Halloween candy. Or when jarbaby makes a candy corn appreciation thread. And what you all said, it’s all good.

Several big signs:
It’s gettning dark so much earlier.
Some leaves have started turning already. The ivy on the side of my house is turning dark red and the redbud leaves are turning gold.
I always sleep with the windows at least cracked open a bit. Had to put a quilt on the bed and the furnaces kicked on for the first time a few nights ago.
Huge displays of apples and pumpkins at the grocery store. I succumbed to my usual unreasoning urge to bake apple pies just because it seems like the right thing to do. Too bad I HATE apple pie.
On Friday nights I can just barely hear the band, PA system and cheering from the high school football stadium up the hill.
Finally washed and stored my summer cottons; need jacket or sweater every morning.
Fewer bugs!

I LOVE fall! It’s my favorite season.


Heh. August 8th. :wink:

First frost.
Allegedly, there was patchy frost in the area a couple of days ago.
I insist that Fall has not arrived on my street yet.

I consider fall to start when the last of the local racetracks has closed for the year. This year, fall starts Oct 13th :slight_smile:

Fall started on Monday for me. First time I needed a coat since June.

Fall for me is when the leaves start turning color AND falling. That’s now here. Also, when the berries still left on the bushes are more like raisins, and when I start steeping in rotten crabapples in the yard. Also when people don’t go walking along the river paths anymore - it’s still warm enough, they’ve just got the perception of it being too chilly. Another one - the mountain whitefish are on their spawning run in the rivers and are soooo easy to catch right now!!