Not to hijack here but I never understood who thought this was a good idea, having multiple grades in the same classroom. I went to a parochial school for 1.5 years and 7th and 8th were together and 9-12 were together in the same room. What a f**king joke that was. The worst education I have ever recieved. I’m not sure what the division was for lower elementary grades but it was a real show in 7/8 let alone 9-12. It just didn’t work. All the school cared about was recieving tuition for as many students as possible without having to pay for the appropriate # of teachers.
School starts tomorrow. I’ve been in contact with my son’s teacher for over a week, though.
There’s also been some interest in pushing the start of school back to after Labor Day to keep the tourism industry staffed, but so far, it’s been all one-sided.
The main reason for that is that the opening of deer-hunting season in Utah is a state-wide school holiday.
The did that because the dads would take the boys out of school to go hunting anyway. Better to declare a vacation than a week with only 50% of the kids in class.
I live near Dickinson College. Their move-in weekend always coincides with the annual Corvette show and parade, and it’s deliberately scheduled this way so parents don’t hang around campus.
Maria Montessori, for one. In the lower grades (1st thru 3rd) it has been great for our sons- they are excelling in all subjects so far. But I have no idea how it might work (or not work!) at higher grade levels.
My kids started on August 6. At least my middle-schooler did–her elementary aged siblings actually only had to be there that day for registration/meet-the-teacher time, which was about an hour for each one. Then they went full time beginning the next day.
Seems really early at first, but when you’ve got kids who apparently spend most of their summer honing their bickering skills, suddenly it doesn’t seem early enough!
Las Vegas (Clark County to be exact) starts today.
However, because of the heat, the school day starts really early here…I believe the first class in high school starts at 7:30 AM! Granted, they get out at about 2:30 or so, but still…good thing I never went to high school here - I would have been late every day!
Apparently they go back the 26th. I find that startling: I attended school in this state for 7 years, and we only once went back to school in August, and even then it was the 29th or 30th. School is supposed to start in September!
When I was in school in Ontario, it started the day after Labour Day and ended in the first week of June. Apparently schools are starting earlier here as well, but I’m not certain of the details.
Cunctator, what’s the usual schedule Down Under? Do you do a large lump of summer holidays the way we do? I believe that our near-three-month summer holiday was originally designed so that the kids could work on the farm during the summer.
This is just getting me angry. Summer vacation can’t end in August, or god forbit, July. it just can’t. School must start after Labor Day and run no longer then Mid-June. End of debate. Please adjust accordingly.
I start back to school Sept 2, though my first class isn’t until the 3rd. (On a side note, I’m going to epically fail the math competency. I tried some practice questions and realized that over the last…going on 20 years…I’ve forgotten the little I ever actually learned about algebra. This really sucks)