When I hear Java, the first thing I think of is...

See poll options, or place a fourth option I didn’t consider below. It’s come up in many confusing conversations between gamelan afficianados and computer nerds, lately! :smiley:

Depends on context. Without context, probably coffee.

There’s also this. :smiley:

Looks like we’ve got a bunch of computer geeks on this board. Who’da thunk?
ETA: I’m one of them…

For the first time since I’d heard of the computer language, I actually first thought of coffee.

Krakatoa, East of Java…

Yes, I’m a child of the misguided 70’s. Who doesn’t drink coffee. And was confused by a customer once asking me to engrave “JAVA…Drink once, run forever” on his coffee mug. He did explain it to me.

And I just went and googled “gamelan” because I had no idea…

Krakatoa, East of Java. I know full well that it’s actually West. Then coffee, possibly because I’m drinking coffee right now (not Java though) the computing.

I thought of the computer language first. Probably because my computer constantly says, “Java needs to update.”

Among a set of choices, I tend to remember the things that annoy me more frequently. So it’s the software. I’m not even sure exactly what it does, just that I’m continually being prompted to “update” it if I want to watch videos in my browser. Or some such.

I voted “coffee”; not because of the slang term but the brand.

This. I didn’t even think of it as “Java the computer language”; I thought of it as “Java, that thing that keeps bugging me to update it.”

Coffee, which I’m sipping now in an attempt to wake up.


I thought of coffee first. Even though I’ve been online for about 10 years, I didn’t think of web browser Java until it was mentioned.

Without context, just the word: software language.

With context, depends on the context.

Either moss, or fern. I have both in my fish tank :wink:

I said computer programming language. My boyfriend uses it/talks about it all the time so I hear about it all the time. Ask me 5 years ago before I knew him, 100% would have said coffee.

The island. It’s in this part of the world.

I don’t even process it as a language anymore. It’s just that @&%^Q!*ing update pop-up agAIN! ! ! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

My second thought was Java Script, but I’ve been around far longer than that, and love coffee way too much to have a programming language supersede a nick-name for that hot deliciousness in my head. :wink:

Itu suatu pulau lah.
It’s an island, dude.

Since I was just embroiled in a imbroglio amongst folk who should know better over how confusing ETA vs ETA vs ETA is, I’m not going to answer, and simply comment that context is everything. SEEING the word identifies it immediately; hearing it, not so much.

I can’t answer without context, because there is ALWAYS context, even if it’s just who is saying it. But the island comes first to mind right now, simply because you capitalized it.