When initial reports made goofs that stuck ever after

And that apartment was owned by Harry Nilsson.

Based no doubt on the previous arrest where a fellow (presumably still in jail) was caught trying to enter the USA by ferry from Vancouver Island with a plot to bomb LAX during the 2000 New Years.

As for the McD’s coffee, that’s a debatable point any time it is brought up. Good coffee (and McDonalds coffee) is supposed to be made and served in the 185-195F range, which WILL be dangerous if spilled. Whether the company should get any blame for someone putting that soft foam cup between their absorbent-terry-cloth-clad legs to pry the lid off is debatable. But - juries will do what they feel like.

The Watergate scandal was centered around a break-in at the Watergate hotel by Nixon’s “special ops” group for his re-election campaign. Covering up that particular crime and who was responsible is what brought down Nixon, so the name is appropriate.

Russian occupation of Paris? When?

1814 and 1815.

What about the Battle of Bunker Hill. It’s remembered in story for the great quote, “Hold your fire until you see the whites of their eyes” and so forth.

But the action was actually at Breed’s Hill, not far off.

Because it was the Battle of Bunker hill. They knew full well that most of the fighting was concentrated at a small less important hill, yes. But the battler was over Bunker Hill, a hill of much larger strategic importance. In fact Breeds hill didnt even have a name at the time of the battle, it was that small and unimportant. They couldn’t have called it the “Battle of Breed Hills” as there was nothing named that, and in any case, every Bostonian knew where Bunker Hill was. And Bunker Hill is very nearby.

The Battle of Hastings was 7 miles from Hastings. Not at Hastings.

The Battle of Waterloo was fought over a mile from Waterloo, and centered more around Quatre Bras.

Does an allegation that turned out to false count?

If you ask people what they remember about the news of the world phone hacking scandal, it’ll probably be that journalists hacked into a missing girls voicemail and then deleted the messages giving false hope to her poor parents. (voice mail was full so they couldn’t leave messages, when suddenly they were able to they presumed she had deleted them herself and hence still alive). This is how it was initially reported.

In fact, it later turned out that her phone automatically deleted the messages after they were listened to. Not that the journalists aren’t shitty people, and technically speaking it’s still their fault they were deleted, but it’s a myth to say they deleted them themselves.

In 1976 the Viking 1 space probe took pictures of the Cydonia region of Mars that showed what appeared to giant stone sculpture of a humanoid face. Conspiracy theorists took this to be evidence of a long dead Martian civilization.

Over 20 years later, further photos by the Mars Global Surveyor seemed clarify that the “face” was only natural phenomenon- a rock that only appeared like a face from a distance(like New Hamphire’s Old Man in the Mountain or Alberta’s Badland Guardian).

Of course, a lot of conspiracy theorists ignore the more recent photos and insist “The Face on Mars” is still an artificially created structure.

Speaking of deaths and commodes, early film star Lupe Vélez did not drown in one.

What about when threads are brought back from the dead?

It also helped the Ministry of Food to promote native vegetables.

The Woodstock Music & Art Fair was not held in Woodstock, NY. It was held in Bethel, NY.

While police reports at the time did indeed state that Sean Penn had assaulted Madonna in their home and tied her to a chair, the whole “Beaten with a baseball bat” thing was something nobody actually knows where it came from but is something almost always brought up whenever a book/podcast covers that scandal since pretty much everything after the police reports mentions it.

And that she had dandruff. Her Head & Shoulders were in the back seat.

At trial, McDonald’s themselves admitted that the reason for the high temperature was to keep the coffee hotter longer, even if it was not immediately consumed. McDonald’s even admitted it was unsafe for human consumption at full temperature. The trial also established that this was significantly hotter than the norm at other restaurants.

I’ll also note that the temperatures were actually 180-190[sup]o[/sup]F, and it was shown that coffee at 190 could cause third degree burns in 2-7 seconds. At 180, this increased to 7-15, and was more than 20 seconds at 160.

When looking up temperatures for serving coffee, 185 was the highest recommended, and this is generally considered too hot for most people. I also found that “good coffee,” i.e. high quality beans, is intended to be served cooler so that the flavor is not overwhelmed by the heat, and that it is cheap coffee that is often served hotter.

Finally, McDonald’s had settled 700 previous incidents of their coffee causing burns before this, and had known about the risk for 10 years. The doctor testified it was the worst burn case he’d ever handled. The woman almost died, but still had offered to settle at the costs for her medical care. And experts on burns and biomechanics testified that it was too hot. The judge himself even called McDonald’s callous

It sure seems to me that there is no factual debate on this subject.