When Is Horn Honking Appropriate?

I’ve recently been “blessed” with a bunch of new neighbors who seem to get a lot of rides from different people. They get these rides at all hours of the day and night, with no particular readily apparent schedule or routine to them. And despite the fact that they know that their rides are coming, and the ubiquity of cell phones, rather than being outside when the ride arrives or having their friends call upon arrival, the presence of the ride is always heralded with five or six bursts of the car horn.

The latest was 3 AM this morning, a few hours ago. Last night it was 4:15 AM.

Is it just me, or is there an hour when blowing the horn in that fashion just isn’t appropriate? Is this un-neighborly behavior or am I a fuddy-duddy?

You’re no fuddy-duddy tumbledown - that’s just rude, un-neighbourly, unnecessary and totally uncalled for.

Is it worth mentioning to them that you would appreciate no horn-blowing after 11.00pm?

I too have inconsiderate neighbours. After a loud party last night that finally died down around 3.30am, someone was bashing on their door for a good minute or more. And I mean bashing.

Finally, I’d had enough and yelled, “SHUT UP AND GO HOME, YA LOSER!!” only to find out it was the cops.

I have to say - if you can’t get your lazy-ass out of the car and go to the door, you are pathetic and rude. Also, if you can’t be either outside or standing at the door to wait for your ride you are a lazy-ass and rude.
also: Rudoir

The Highway Code gives explicit instructions:


](The Highway Code - General rules, techniques and advice for all drivers and riders (103 to 158) - Guidance - GOV.UK)

I think doing what the OP describes is always totally inappropriate. That goes for any excessive noise at night.

In most of South America honking in general was much less obnoxious than it is in Europe. Here in the UK and Netherlands it is always rude to honk unless you have a very, very good reason (usually danger). In Brazil, you’d just drive along happily honking all the way. It was friendly to honk at people you know, you’d honk coming up to a bend in the road to let people know in case there was someone also approaching the bend on the other side. You’re always honking at stray dogs. It didn’t feel rude there either, just exuberant. It’s telling that the other day I tried to honk and couldn’t because I didn’t hit the right spot: I’d never used the horn in that car, and I’ve had it three years.

I think it’d most likely net me a vigorous cursing out and who knows what else. And unlike these folks, I have skin in the game. We own our home, we’ve lived here for 38 years. None of these folks has been here 38 weeks, and none of them will be here 38 months from now (if 38 weeks from now) so I’d just as well not make the increasing hostility of the community focused on me.

To be fair, neighbors on the opposite side of the street, where this is happening, don’t have driveways, only street parking, and there typically isn’t any place for the drivers to pull in, so they’d have to double park and get out of their car on a fairly busy street. But to me, this is all the more reason to pick up your cell phone (and of course they have one) and call and say “yo, I’m turning down your street, be outside.”

But that would be, as my mom’s fond of saying, too much like right.

In Australia the law is:


224—Using horns and similar warning devices

A driver must not use, or allow to be used, a horn, or similar warning device, fitted to or in the driver’s vehicle unless:

        (a)         it is necessary to use the horn, or warning device, to warn other road users or animals of the approach or position of the vehicle; or

        (b)         the horn, or warning device, is being used as part of an anti-theft device, or an alcohol interlock device, fitted to the vehicle.*  

and plenty of people are fined by police for breaking the rule. Although I think usually you have to be a dickhead about it to actually be fined.

When you’re lonely.

That works for me. The horn is a safety device, not a general-purpose signalling device.

I wish I hadn’t seen Ricky on the sidewalk.

Yup. And you know people like this spend every waking minute on the cellphone, yapping and texting. But somehow they can’t call their buddies when they’re outside the house? That’s just ignorance, based on not giving a tiny little rat’s ass how their actions affect other people.

I use my horn a bit more than what is allowed in the highway laws, but modern times call for modern measures - when someone is texting at a light and don’t notice it has turned green, they get a little toot to bring them to awareness that they are still behind the wheel of a car, and there are other things going on that need their attention.

IMO, the horn should only be used to alert drivers to problems with their driving, like not noticing the light turning green as mentioned above. It shouldn’t be used to say hi to some random person on the sidewalk or to announce that you have arrived at a friend’s apartment building.

A car horn should be used as a warning in traffic. It should not be used to call out to people that you’ve arrived. Period.

And if it is, rock-throwing is an appropriate response, as far as I’m concerned.

If you’re horny.

I only use it if I suspect the guy in front of me has fallen asleep at a green light. Maybe 10 times a year max. The only time I hear it in the neighborhood is when a select few arm their car alarms in the evening.

LOL. I learned the hard way that is NOT cool to honk for your GF to come out of her house when you are there to pick her up. Even if you have been dating for more than six months.

I mean, I understood this logic if the relationship is new. But after six months though? Nah, “No big deal I thought.”

I was wrong.

This was at 8 at night.

3am in the morning is insane.

Your new neighbors sound like crack heads or dealers.

This is a fine custom in rural areas where the nearest neighbour is half a mile away and before the invention of cell phones. That’s where / when I learned about it.

Anything else is more than rude.

Are we neighbors? The house next to mine has 10 kids in it, one mom, one old aunt who does all the work. They have three huge SUVs. They use their horn constantly as the signal that the car is leaving for whatever the current mission is and so anyone on that trip needs to get outside. Sometimes dad comes for a visit - he never gets out of the car, just blows the horns. Such nice neighbors.

In Texas, any use of the horn is frowned upon. It’s just plain rude.