When someone bursts into song.

Does it annoy you when you hear someone start singing? Solo, or along with the radio?
Your’s tunefully,

Nope, I like it, and may - if the mood catches me just right - join in.

When the manager’s away, and there are no clients around, my co-worker and I rock out and sing aloud to Scissor Sisters. We do a mean rendition of Tits on the Radio.

I may be the guy annoying the others—but I have a decent voice and don’t mangle lyrics.

Sometimes just for larfs, if someone else is singing…

Singer: ♪ How will I know if he really loves me… ♫
Me (acting like I’m kind into it, not annoyed): Who sings that song?
Singer: Um, Whitney Houston. Yeah…Whitney Houston.
Me: Let’s keep it that way!

I’m usually more put off by all those strangers bursting into song for the choruses or erupting into synchronized dancing. :stuck_out_tongue:

I certainly hate it in movie – or stage – musicals.

I HATE musicals – they are the most absurdly unrealistic form of ‘art’ ever, and I include Cubism. :stuck_out_tongue:

People sining along to music – well, I do it sometimes, so I can’t be too upset about it. So long as a chorus line doesn’t show up.

I must admit, whistling can bug me a little. I think my annoyance stems from my childhood. Why do guys always wink while they whistle?
But most anything else is okay.
Shutup, I shoot you.

In my family we’d always sing around the house a lot. But my mom has this tendency of picking up on a small phrase in whatever I’m singing that reminds her of some other song, and then she’ll start singing the other song while I’m still singing my song. It’s kind of weird.

“Hey, what’d you do with that money?”

“What money?”

“That money yo mama gave you for singing lessons?”

Working at nights at a 24-hr Wallyworld, I get a lot of that from customers listening to their itunes through earphones. Especially from the kids, I hear someone boogying (showing my age here) down the aisle while pushing a cart, chanting, “oo…oo…oo,ooh,…yeah…yeah…baby,baby…oo…ooo. Come on, come on now…” I smile, they smile, and I walk away.

Love, Phil

Do you leave out an “N” or a “G”? I think we’ve all sinned along to music

I left out the G, and I just realized in I put it before the N, I’d be talking about the deaf community. And I’d be talking about somewhat of a miracle, as how are the deaf supposed to sing along with music out of the radio?

I spent it on singing lessons. You can get my new album on iTunes, under “Top Songs”.

We’d get along great. I probably don’t do this more than 12 or 15 times a day.

I hate music.

I couldn’t carry a tune with a wheelbarrow full of radios.

When I hear a mother sing to her child I no longer curse God.

Wow. It never fails to surprise me how much music has become entirely the domain of “professionals”.

Growing up, my dad always sang. My mom often joined in. During trips, we sang in the car. During camping trips, the highlight of the trip was singing around the campfire.

I think of singing as a participatory thing. It always annoys me when someone criticizes others’ singing or complains that humming or whistling is annoying them. Music is not a passive event people! It’s not a painting on a wall, it’s something that’s part of life.

(I realize I’m espousing views that are about a century old. That just makes me sad.)

You need to turn those radios on. And preferably to the same station.
You’re welcome. :wink:

I think that if you read most of the replies in this thread, you’ll no longer be sad.
You’ll also find, if you look into it, that much music has always been the domain of professionals. From the troubadours of yesteryear through sheet music and on to today’s youtube. With lot’s in between.
So, smile away. :slight_smile:

You’re correct. I guess I was in a bad mood and seeing what I was expecting to see instead of what was there.

I’ll stop being sad. :smiley:

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Then you’re REALLY, REALLY not going to like Picasso ,The Musical.