If aliens visit Earth, which scenario do you think is more likely?
Friendly E.T/Close Encounters type aliens?
Or hostile Independence Day/Mars Attacks type aliens?
If aliens visit Earth, which scenario do you think is more likely?
Friendly E.T/Close Encounters type aliens?
Or hostile Independence Day/Mars Attacks type aliens?
If? I’ll let Contestant #3 set you straight!
I guess if this is their first contact as well, they’re more likely to be friendly since they won’t know what we can do yet. Most likely, I’d think we’d know they’re on their way because they’d send out some sort of probe before bothering to send a ‘manned’ force to a planet that they know nothing about.
“I guess it is possible for one person to make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”
I personally dont believe there are aliens, but just in case it is true, they will either by equal or more advanced then us technologically. If they are Equal technologically then they might be hostile, if they are more advanced they might not even bother with us.
Maybe we’ll get to their planet first. I’d guess the obvious order of the day would be to go in friendly but be prepared to fire!
They’re most likely to be hungry, and thirsty.
I’ve always imagined aliens to resemble “Carla” from Cheers. I vote for hostile.
“An ignorant person is one who doesn’t know what you have just found out.” Will Rogers
Maybe they will be apathetic, not really giving a shit about finding us. You know, like being out for a lazy Sunday joyride, seeing something new, and saying Ohh…ahhh a few times, leave a few crop circles and buzz a few airplanes just to fuck with our heads, and then head back to where they came in order to get back to their alien workplaces on Monday…
…just a theory,
Contestant #3
They will get in touch with their own kind, computers.
What makes you think you’re so special?
Member posted 05-28-99 09:40 PM
They’re most likely to be hungry, and thirsty.
How to Serve Man?
Slight twist to the original question-Let us suppose they have already landed;Who are they?
My list starts with Jeff Goldblum, David Bowie, and James Woods.
Any others?
“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”
Hunter Thompson
Indifferent, like Man is indifferent to the ant hills in a field that “needs to be developed.”
Dennis Rodman.
Ants don’t have nuclear weapons.
“If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything” Mark Twain 1894
True - but have you ever been stung by fire ants?
Mastery is not perfection but a journey, and the true master must be willing to try and fail and try again
Oops, guys, attempted serious answer coming up:
First, I am agnostic on the existence of civilizations on other planets; I highly doubt there are any, and if there are any, the odds against their getting here within our lifetimes is very small. Still, this is a good topic, and if anybody wants to debate it, let’s start a new thread.
Second, if alien civilizations exist, I would assume them to be hostile. I am basing this on the history of Earth–as far as I know, every highly technologically developed civilization that went out looking for new territory wound up taking over the new territory they discovered, often with catastrophic results for those conquered. The Americas seems like the classic example to me. Of course, any civilization that managed to come to Earth would be more technologically advanced than us, since they would be able to come to our planet and we wouldn’t be able to go to theirs.
“If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything” Mark Twain 1894
So what? The europeans were more advanced than the indians, and look what they did to them. If earth contains some resource that the aliens need, we are toast.
"I think that as we become more advanced we also become less hostile. I know, it doesn’t seem that way, but look at history. How long has it been since the US (or any major country) actually, by force, took over another country? "
HELLO!!! Mangeorge what about Haiti, Panama and Vietnam???
to go back to the original question I surly think there is life on other planets. In fact I am sure, to think of a universe this big and to think were the only one’s in it is hipocrasy.
When they come we might just try to say HOA (like the Indian-Americans said to the white man) and see what happens. Maybe they will have more patience or be a bit further in evilution then we are.
At least let’s hope so or kill our friends goodbay!!
Have a nice day!
I suggest reading “Rendevouz with RAMA” by Arthur C. Clarke.
Puts a perspective on things.
My personal belief is:
Shure there are other life-forms out there. Can anyone think of a really plausible reason why they would arrive here in 1947, and still be monitoring us?
(oh please grab that bait, please…)
Who admits to trolling with this particular post.