When Things Are Done Right

Inspired by this thread: https://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=873861

What are the things you find around you that either work so well they are almost invisible or when you’ve encountered it you went"Why didn’t I know about this before?"

Tomato paste in tube. This is just, wonderful. No half empty can of paste lurking in the fridge making you feel bad until you throw it out.

Rear parking cameras. Sure I can back my car up fine without it but it’s caught/saved a few pedestrians in my blind spot more than once.

Stainless steel thermos. Keeps my coffee hot for more than 5 hours regardless of the outside temps. Perfect!

I agree with the back up camera. That’s a nice thing to have. But I really like that my phone is able to ring on my cars screen and theres a button to answer it on the steering wheel. Best thing ever. I don’t get a lot of calls but it sure is nice when I do.

Mr.Wrekker beagle pack have auto feeders. They’ve worked so well that I forget they are there. He fills them about twice a month. We had one issue with a lone coyote who learned the schedule and got himself in the pen a few times and ate up all the food that dropped. Fattest coyote ever. He was an embarrassment to his species. Mr.Wrekker put a top wire and electric fencing around the pen. That bastard still got in one more time. The next time he came around and I saw him. I shot him. I hated to do it. He was obviously intelligent. But still, I was afraid he’d eat the beagles.

I agree with all three of the OP’s items. I especially like the sensor on my car’s backup camera when I am in a parking garage in between two larger vehicles - it’s impossible for me to see, but the sensor will warn me if something/someone is about to pass behind me.

Pod coffee-maker. Perfect cup of coffee. Every time. G-Mail. Does what I need it to- for free. I love it, sue me.

DVR has changed TV. I watch what I want, when I want, with only the interruptions I want. I tried watching CNN this afternoon and I swear there was more commercials then news.

That’s a good point Procrustus. Watching almost any public TV now is almost intolerable without skip. Discovery channel (All of them) are bad for this as well.

It’s an interesting window into the human psyche that when we find something that works really well it often fades into the background but it sure is noticeable when it doesn’t.

Another example of something I consider well done is my Swiss Army Knife. Just the right size, with tools that I use fairly often and is comfortable to use.

I agree with this. I have been so spoiled by my DVR. I can barely watch a show in regular time anymore. There are so many commercials and the worst is that they play the same commercials over and over again. Have to go potty? Hit pause. Want to get something to eat? Hit pause. Just wonderful!

Nevada On-line DMV.

Good one. Especially considering the previous state of affairs. In Washington I can renew my drivers license and get my tabs easily on line.

I’d add another one: 100% mail-in ballots for elections. Everything else seems arcane. With one common sense move, we no longer care about “early voting,” insufficient machines in minority districts, weather conditions on election day, etc., etc.

EZ pass or whatever those electronic toll road tags are called. (Here in Kansas it’s K-tag.) So nice to not have to stop for a ticket when I get on the turnpike, or stop to pay when I get off. Just keep driving!

Early voting by mail.

Good one. Young people probably have no conception of how bad tolls could be, regardless of the amount. Long lines were common and very annoying.

I’ll add: Elimination of the 2 minute rule for SDMB searches.

When the Fast Forward button on my remote control wore out, I got far angrier than I should have.

And I agree wholeheartedly about the Swiss Army knife.

Tesla has an even better solution. You can call the car to you and it’ll back out of a parking space to you. I don’t know if it’s been released or they’re still working on it.

They also have a dog-in-car mode where it’ll keep the A/C on while parked. And display the internal temp on its screen in large numbers so passers-by aren’t alarmed by the pet in a too hot car.

That’s gone away now.

I didn’t have a car with a rear backup camera until last July and now I don’t know how I lived without one.

Smartphones in general. We take them for granted but they are miraculous things, really. The fact it can place calls is maybe the tenth best thing about it.

Going old-school on this -

Indoor plumbing. Water comes out of the tap. Water and waste go down the drain. Really something, if you don’t have it.

While I hate a lot of modern technology, I’ll admit it: GPS is really, really cool. Being able to find out how to get somewhere and where the bus is and how long you have to wait is wonderful.

Particularly for folks with no sense of direction.

I usually record Saturday Night Live, but I was travelling last week and forgot to set it up ahead of time. When I got home I thought I’d watch it on our cable system’s OnDemand channel. There it is: Primetime - NBC - SNL, but drat, it’s 90 minutes long. A major reason to record it is to skip over the commercials, so the 90 minutes becomes 60 minutes.

Imagine to my surprise that as it was playing SNL, when a commercial came on, it automatically fast-forwarded! It was even easier to watch than having me hit the FF/Play buttons at exactly the right time. Good job, OnDemand!

I don’t know who your cable provider is, but on mine I think there are even more commercials on OnDemand than there are just watching over the air! (And Fast Forward is usually disabled.)

Agree with swampspruce about the Swiss Army knife. I still have one that I got for being in a friend’s wedding back in 1986, and I still use it regularly for all kinds of stuff.

My next-door neighbor has it already.