When was the last time you Shotgunned a beer? (If ever)


But only because I never mastered the technique of it without causing a goddamned mess.

What I did learn to do, in the late 70’s, about 15 years or so before ice beer came along, was “ice jacking”. Freezing the water in beer before the alcohol, pulling out the chunk, and doing it again and again until a shot of 180 proof beer remains.
This is a true skill and much harder than it sounds, if you don’t believe me, try it.

BIOT, it’s technically illegal as under federal law it is considered a “beer concentrate”.

25 years. Ditto on the beer bong. College is a weird time…

The shotgun belch is a thing of beauty in itself.

Yes, also known as freeze distilling. As you said, it’s reported as being technically illegal, in home brew circles, but nobody really cares. (And how would they find you?) Anyhow, can you really get it that concentrated? I’ve never tried.

Yeah, but it takes a lot of patience.

Oof. And I bet it gets you a wicked hangover. This is the traditional method for producing applejack (via cider, but usually it’s only taken up to 80 proof.). The problem with freeze distillation (or, more properly, fractional freezing), is that it also concentrates the impurities, which true distillation does not. Maybe that’s not so much an issue with beer (though I suspect it is), but with traditionally made apple jack, that’s definitely an issue. There’s even a term for hit: “apple palsy.”

apple jacking. Don’t start with beer. Start with cheap vodka. :slight_smile:

I know the 80’s was the last time I shotgunned a beer. Last time I beer bonged as well. I think I shtogunned a couple of times post university in Taiwan and China just to show off but that was decades ago

My experiences, so far, agree with you. Possibly filtering the concentrate would remove some of the impurities, using a Brita filter, would help?

All only hypothetically, of course.

I used to drink a lot of beer but never shotgunned one. However, when I was a little kid, I shotgunned a styrofoam cup of milk at church. My mom saw me doing it and got mad.

College, right before we discovered the beer bong.


There shouldn’t be any impurities in commercially available beer.

My name is gigi, and I have never shotgunned a beer.

<hi gigi!>

I don’t think I have ever even drunk a whole can of beer. Just don’t like the stuff.

I did try to keep up with a friend who was drinking Black and Tans. He left in the dust early on. :smack: