When was the last time you took a bath instead of a shower and why did you do so?

The last time I took a bath was in the spring of 1965, when I was 12 years old and had broken my finger and had to protect the splint/bandage thing.

I’m a woman, and the only time I’ve been in the nice big soaking tub in my house is to clean the stupid thing.

Had the bath taken out a long time ago and replaced by a shower unit. Saves lots of time… and water:)

I take baths to conserve water. I shower at least twice a week, though, when I wash my hair. I actually find it faster to hop in and out of the bath than the shower, but maybe that’s just me. DH takes the longest fricking showers in the world, and I feel obligated to make up for his water usage.

The boychik is nine, and still prefers baths as well. Husband hasn’t had a bath in about 11 years, when he got back from Iraq, and just wanted one because even though he always chooses showers when he has the choice, somehow not having the choice made him want a bath. And he may have taken a bath with the boychik once or twice when he was a toddler. We both did occasionally in the mornings, in the winter, because we had a lousy water heater, and there wasn’t enough for an adult shower, a toddler bath, and then another adult shower, so sometimes I bathed with the boychik, and sometimes I warmed the water up with water from the stove after he was done.

ETA: the winters were in our old house with the well water. We don’t live there anymore.

Given the routine bathing environment of our house, I’ll only do it for aches and pains. The tub just isn’t big enough to really be comfortable. (I’m 6’7", so I really need a laaaarge tub.)

But I would cheerfully mangle any number of innocent human beings to take a good Japanese furo bath.

I’m pretty sure I took at least one bath, maybe two, in my first apartment in NH. After that I lived in two apartments that only had showers and now I just have no interest in a bath. I’m also very large and wouldn’t fit even if I wanted to.

So long ago I can’t remember.

I’m a showerer. I used to take long, relaxing baths when I was a teenager (candles, book, drink, cigarette …) but rarely since. The last time I decided to have a bath instead of a shower (well over ten years ago) I thought it’d be the nice, relaxing experience I remembered from all those years ago. It wasn’t. Getting all the ‘stuff’ together (minus the cigarettes) took too long and the soak wasn’t relaxing at all.

Our current bathroom doesn’t have a bath. I don’t miss it at all.

I’m guessing it had to be when I was in college in my last apartment - the one with no shower, just a tub. So it would have been some time in late 1979. Altho more recently when I had a bad bout of poison ivy, I did the oatmeal bath thing for relief. But that wasn’t instead of a shower, so it doesn’t count in this poll.

I prefer baths to showers.

Unfortunately, my current residence does not have a bathtub. In fact, it barely has a shower, the stall being very small such that I’m not sure anyone 6 foot or taller would even fit.

I usually visit relatives or friends with a decent tub a couple times a year, and I’ve been known to use hotel bathtubs, too. Last year I think I got about a dozen baths in.

Even if I had a good bath tub at home, though, I’d still have to limit the baths due to how they can dry out your skin. Last time I owned a bathtub it was a once-a-week luxury.

Only when I go to a hotel with a nice tub. At home it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

Yeesh. I’m not especially germ-phobic, but I will not bathe in a hotel bathtub. In fact, my mother’s house is about the only place besides my own house where I will bathe.

I never take a bath in lieu of a shower. A daily shower is for getting clean. A bath is for relaxation and soaking. During the winter I probably take a bath every other night if not every night. Not so much in the summer.

I went for thirteen years without taking a bath… (P.U., did I smell awful!)

This was because my roommate had the bathroom with the tub; I only had the bathroom with a shower.

Well…my roomie passed away, and now I’ve got the place to myself, so I’ve been indulging in long, hot (HOT!) baths now and then. Luxury! Steam spa!

I never really got the “soaking in your filth” hang-up. I mean, the filth was on me when I got into the tub so it’s not as though I’m any more covered in it than I was before and common sense should note that most of it is in the surrounding water and no longer on me. Unless you wait until you’re truly disgusting before you bathe, you shouldn’t be turning the water into a pig wallow.

For time purposes though I almost always shower unless I’m nursing an injury or regulating temperature due to illness. The last bath I took was within the last month when the humidity off the hot water and submerging my chest helped alleviate a nasty cough (showers didn’t really help).

Yeah, you’re germ-phobic.

It’s like people who won’t sit on public toilet seats.

You’re more likely to get cooties from touching a doorknob.

Sometime over a year ago, and it was a hot soak for sore muscles from running.

Last had a bath after I’d been doing a lot of exercise and had been travelling a lot and then volunteering with homeless people, all in a 24-hour period. I felt filthy, in a psychosomatic way, and wanted to soak the crap out of my skin. I followed it up with a very soapy shower to wash off the scum. Felt utterly pure afterwards and slept like a god.

Seconded: what you just described is the kind of behaviour that pretty much defines someone as being germaphobic.

I bathe almost every day. I shower maybe one time for every 20 baths.

[bolding mine]

Count me in - I have a large stash of bath bombs I’m slowly using up. A nice soak in the tub, a glass of wine and a book makes me happy (just have to be careful not to drop the book in the water). I don’t do it as often as I’d like because of the hassle of cleaning the bathtub, especially when i’ve used a glittery bomb. :smiley:

One of the major draws of going to visit my mum and dad is, frankly, that they’ve got a huge tub that I can more or less submerge myself in. I’ve got a really good, powerful shower at my place, but there’s nothing to beat a good soak for relieving tension after a day spent rescuing kittens and volunteering to run marathons and stuff.

I have RA and a nice hot bath in Epsom Salts water can be very soothing when my pain receptors are all jangled up.