Out loud or in your mind, who or what are you talking to? Is there another part of you that listen?
I realized that when I was watching a fun movie and I gotta pee. I didn’t want to get up that I said in my mind “get your ass up and take care of your body!”
I talk to all sorts of people, rehearsing conversations I want to have with them some day. My theory is that it’s okay so long as they don’t actually carry their side of the conversation.
For the most part, we only talk to ourselves when we’re alone, when there’s nobody else to talk to. So it’s a substitution for actual conversation. We say things as if there were someone else around, sometimes substituting for the other person, talking to ourself.
Or you could have money in the bank ! I heard if you talk you yourself it b/c you’re crazy or rich. I bet a lot of people will end up talking to their self after this election is over ! LOL!
I’ve always been curious about this, I don’t talk to myself either out loud or in my head but I realise others do.
If I want a cup of coffee then the concept will appear in my mind and I’ll take the necessary actions but no actual “words” are formed.
When I am very very stressed I talk to myself as if I am talking to a child or an animal who is having a hard time keeping it together. It’s like there’s a person who can think of what to do next and a person who has to do it, and they’re separate. I’m like a policeman talking to a guy on a ledge.
I’m alone a lot, with animals, I guess I’ve started thinking of myself as another animal I have to be in charge of.
I never talk to myself. I can’t recall a single instance in my life in which I consciously thought a grammatically or syntactically imperative sentence directed at myself, such as “Don’t do that”. or “Where did I put that thing?”. Rarely, I might think a game strategy or something as I’m doing it, but the words in my mind are being directed at someone else to whom I’m explaining what I’ve already thought out. There is always someone outside myself who is the listener to what I verbalize in my mind.
Sometimes I’m talking directly to myself, other times I’m addressing the fourth wall. The fourth wall usually just gets a lot of looks, gestures, and other non-verbal stuff most of the time.
When were on a family trip, my sister was doing something (maybe a cryptogram) and thinking out loud about what she was doing. I asked if she did those things out loud when she was home alone, she said “Yes, I talk to my cats”.